Abby and Kyle have just left on their bikes to go to the castle for the day. It is 11:30 AM here and a beautiful day. Kyle arrived home Thursday night and went into work yesterday. He seems tired and distracted but being home with Abby is good medicine for him. Last night we all started putting Abby's new bunk bed together but had to stop at 8 to get Abby to bed. She got to sleep in mom and dad's room because her room looks like a tornado swept through it. (Abby discovered she can break up the Styrofoam packing pieces and make them fly around like a snow storm.) Let me just say that my children are better parents than I ever was. I would have been crazy with my kid making such a mess. But as a grandma I think it is WONDERFUL!
Today Abby got to choose what she would like to do and her choice was to go tour the castle again. SHE LOVES WINDSOR CASTLE ! Ger and I suggested to her that just she and dad go and Abby jumped at that. It is a win win day for everyone!
Last night we had a surprise Skype call from K&K in Ft. Lauderdale. Our not so little, yet to be born grandson is doing great, as are mom and dad, in spite of the worse than usual Florida summer heat. We are hoping baby will stay where he is until we return to the states on July 27 but for Kristen's sake baby "S" can arrive when he is ready.
We have become "natives" here in England, in that we have a daily routine. It is feeling like "home" and I am happy to have the day "off" today. I can't tell you how much I am enjoying this very special time in England with Abby. I wonder how much she will remember as she grows older. Hopefully all the pictures Grandpa and I are taking will help remind her of her time here with us.
For those of you who have inquired about Abby's school . . . the first 2 pictures show you the front of the building. (All the buildings over here look ancient) It is a one story building with nooks and crannies and passageways leading off in every direction. I would be lost in it in a matter of seconds. I can't figure out the floor plan and tend to think it was originally a small building that has been added on to again and again over the years. Abby's class is at the far right with the small blacktopped area in front. No play equipment, just a sand box and some old tables and rubber tires. The school is building 2 new additions in the back that will be a cafeteria and classrooms. IN the back of all the buildings there is a large field where the children play after lunch. This is the field that housed "SPORTS DAY" last Thursday. The entire school participated and all the parents and siblings were innvited. Abby ran 2 races but did not win either one. She was a little disappointed but told us she could beat 2 other children in her class but she wasn't teamed up against them. (It seems that Abby takes after her dad when it comes to sports. We always refer back to the phone call from Kyle's gym teacher when he was in Kindergarten. Mrs. Weed was very concerned about Kyle's inability to skip and so he had to attend remedial skipping classes. My BFF Sharon always said her son Rick was the athlete and Kyle was the brains. They made a good team and were the best of friends for many years) If the amount of dirt were a factor in how good a time Abby had a Sports Day I would say the day was a huge success.
Abby is still fighting her nose and I think her nose is winning, although today it does seem just a little better. I am still amazed at the allergies over here and will never complin about the US allergies again. I guess living in the country has it's drawbacks.
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