Sunday, February 6, 2011


I have hit the limit of endurance for this sweat soaked, booger coughing, knife swallowing, ear splitting bug ! I am done with it! I am getting something from the doctor tomorrow to kick this bugs butt or I'm taking a long walk on a short pier.  It is one thing to feel like shit but looking around at all that needs to get done in the next 10 days and not having an extra drop of energy to do anything  is just the icing on the cake. Husband just went out for a walk. Lucky for him he didn't ask me to go with him or give me the guilt trip of, "The doctor said to WALK every day." I guess I do have to credit him with some intelligence for that but he did come into the kitchen to inform me that I MUST be feeling better because I am beginning to "putter". If I had a voice I would have screamed that this is NOT PUTTERING but is in fact called CLEANING so that we are not over run by cockroaches! How the house got away from me so fast in the time since Sharon left yesterday I can only guess. I have spent most of that time in bed so I would guess that the MESS IS NOT MINE ! There are shoes in every room, (the man only owns 3 pairs of shoes), crumbs on every open surface and MAIL MAIL MAIL MAIL MAIL all over the place in messy little piles. You know how we would say the "dust bunnies" under the bed were someone either coming or going? . . .  well, I have the entire state of Florida's dead mail men lying around my house in messy little piles of paper. Husband seriously thinks he is helping . . . and for the most part I let him think that. But I am  not my normal self these days. I am sick and I feel sick and I am whining and I need to stop but for the LOVE OF GOD would someone please give this man a shake!
And then we have the food issue. Is it a genetic malfunction that a man cannot enter a kitchen and cook? I'm not talking Coco Vin, just peanut butter and jelly. IMPOSSIBLE ! Rather than make an effort to make something for himself husband will not eat for an entire day. Then he will start to whine that he has a headache from not eating! I wonder how his head will feel once I start pounding on it with my cast iron skillet?
I know this too shall pass and the man is not Satan but right now, right at this moment, I would give anything for a husband who would say, "Honey, you are sick. Take a nice hot bath and get into bed and I'll make you some hot soup and tea. I've taken care of everything." I would really know I was sick if that ever happened. Not just sick but delusional and mentally flying over the cuckoo's nest.

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