Sunday, February 13, 2011


It seems that I can't have both looking good and feeling good at the same time.  It seems to be an either/or situation with me. And that's a tough call.

Coming back from England feeling like death warmed over put me into bed for 3 days and curbed my eating so that by the 4th day, when my neighbor brought me some home made chicken soup, I was just at the very beginning of thinking I just might live after all.  Esther arrived with her delicious soup and warm wishes for my recovery. As she stood talking to me she kept shaking her head. "You look fantastic!" she finally said to me. "You look like you are 20 years younger". Now at that point I had just about decided this was how it must feel to be 100 because every bone in my body hurt and my brain just couldn't function. And here is my neighbor telling me I have never looked so good !

Today I got up and looked in the mirror, thinking that I actually was feeling pretty good and yet my reflection showed that haggard looking old lady who is always there looking back at me. I have, of course, returned to eating and thinking and cleaning and cooking and washing and . . .     I guess I either need to be so sick that I can't move or eat but I will look WONDERFUL. Or just keep on feeling healthy but looking like I should be 6 feet under.  

I can't decide which way I want to go with this but I really did like looking younger and that sore throat really wasn't all that bad . . .  was it?

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