I just finished re-reading the book "The Shack". I am fascinated with the ideas that are presented in this book and highly recommend it to everyone. It really gets you thinking about GOD and our relationship with Him/Her. If you haven't read it yet get a copy today and get reading. It is quite unique. And then let me know what you think.
And speaking of God . . . I have been dealing with the god's of the cyber space these past few days and I must say they too are quite amazing. We refer to these gods as TECH SUPPORT and I don't know how they do what they do but problems are solved via telephone. (If only I had a therapist who could do this!)
I bought a new router for my computer. For you folks who aren't computer savey a router seems to be the thingy that sends the Internet signal all over my house so I can use a computer in any room of my house without having to hook up to wires. It's pretty cool and still in the category of SciFi for me. But I know I had one and the guy who came to hook up our new cable boxes told me that if I got a new router it would make my computer even faster so I NEEDED a new one. As you can tell I am not as computer smart as I would like to think but off I merrily went to buy a new router. Walmart being the cheapest place in town I bought a router that had bigger numbers on the box than the one I already owned. I didn't have a clue what those numbers meant but they looked bigger and better. And of course the price was higher than the model I already had so that sealed the deal. I brought the router home and the following day the battle began. I am very good at following directions, (except when they come from Husband), and the directions in the box were very plain and simple. Unplug everything, plug in the new router like so, power up everything and put the CD into the computer to download. NOTHING ! OK, lets try this again, and again, and again, and again. An hour into this I decided to call the cable company as suggested by the directions "If you have a problem". Two and a half hours later the very nice young man in Louisiana, who was very patient and pleasant, finally gave up and told me to call the manufactures of the router. I couldn't bear to do that right then. I repackaged the router with all intentions of returning the stupid thing and just reconnecting my OLD router. One problem, when I tried to reconnect the old one that wouldn't work either! ARGGGGGGGGGGGG I let the weekend go by and yesterday I decided to face the demon again. This time I called Tech Support and ended up with a genius in India who spent an hour and a half with me. He was very business like at the beginning of the conversation but after many moments of quiet while waiting for the router and computer to do their things he softened up and became chatty. I think I have invited him to visit us in the US after he solved the problem and I now have fast Internet access all through my house.
My question is . . . HOW DO THEY DO THAT FROM SO FAR AWAY? I was working with him on 2 different computers, one a Mac and one a PC and he knew what he was doing every step of the way. Genius!
And it's a good thing I have my computers working because it is a rainy day. I have a ton of little things to do, clean out drawers, up date photo albums, iron clothes but here I sit. No wonder my butt is getting wider by the day! We are supposed to go to our weekly base ball game tonight but I don't think the skies will clear. It looks like we are finally in a rainy spell. Good for the drought and my plants and me too. I love rainy days! Don't be surprised if you hear from me more often.
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