Monday, July 16, 2012


I love writing my blog but hate that I don't find (make) the time to write every day.  I get up some days and think of something great I want to write about but as the day goes on I just never find the time to write.  Good thing I'm not Steven King or some big author.

I love getting an idea of something to write.  I spend the day writing and rewriting the blog in my head and then comes bed time and I have not put anything on paper.  And speaking of paper, I HATE that no one writes letters any more.  We have these one line "tweets" and emails that just don't cover the range of emotions. One of my BFF's, Glo, up in Maine has a stack of letters that we wrote to each other when we were teenagers. I bet my shrink would love to read those!  Glo and I wouldn't see each other for years at a time but we wrote often and when we wrote we wroooooooooooooooooote. Our letters would go on forever and we would pour our hearts out in them.  AH!  The good old days.  But then that was when postage to mail a letter was three cents.  Now you have to mortgage your house to mail anything.

I LOVE that H went to the post office for me today.  I had made up a neat card for Abby and Roman and wrote a card to Kaelin and Finn. I had a package for sister-in-law Sue that I had wrapped up yesterday and H offered to take it all to the post office for me to mail.  AWwwwwwwwwww

I Hate that we ate dinner tonight at 8PM and it is now sitting in my stomach fighting to come back up but I Love that we had that dinner at Ger's brother's house with our niece and nephew and their families. What wonderful young people they are and what beautiful beautiful children they have. Samantha, 12 and her two 12 year old girl cousins are so much fun to watch together. Gillian is visiting from New Jersey and has been staying with Sam and her family for the past week.  Sam's mom brought the 2 girls down to grandma and grandpa's for 4 days and were joined by the third cousin from Ohio who is vacationing in their condo near by. I love 12 year old girls! They are so cute together and entertained us for the evening.

I Love that I got to Skype with Keri, Kaelin and Finn today.  Finn and Kaelin are a hoot on the computer. Kaelin had a lot to tell us about her trip to Tortola and Finn was just excited to see our faces on the computer. I also Love that Keri sent us over 300 pictures of their Tortola vacation that I will now look at.

Hope to see you tomorrow !   Good night.

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