Monday, July 23, 2012


Here we go again . . . THEY are back!  No, not the Florida snow birds, it's still too early for them.  THEY are the B-A-T-S bats!

Remember THEM?  They were here, what, a year ago? Or was it two years ago? Maybe it was three?  I don't remember just when they were here last but I do remember they made my life miserable. Oh, the bats really didn't bother me in the least but what they turned H into was another story.  He becomes sort of like BATMAN without the cloak and neat car. Our bats turn H into a raving lunatic that is obsessed with these little creatures. Each night at dusk H actually LEAVES the TV to go sit in the back yard to watch for the B-A-T-S. He has been leaving on all the lights with the hopes that the bats won't want to return because it is too bright.  But let me back up a little to the beginning of our latest adventure
I told you the story of H sitting on the lanai the other day when a bat walked across the floor. Odd as that was we decided the little guy had come in on some chair cushions that had been left outside for quite some time. (Nothing odd about that, H leaves all sorts of things laying around for days, weeks,  months. But you already know that.)
We just figured it was a one time deal and I thought nothing of it. H, on the other hand, started obsessing about the B-A-T.  He talked about this bat for days until he decided to go out back at dusk and watch to see if there were any bats flying off our house when it got dark. I thought this was a wonderful idea because it gave me a full half hour to myself! Only trouble was the man was RIGHT for once in his life. (He isn't right often but I will give him credit when credit is due.)
Sure enough . . .  we have bats! AGAIN! 
There are no where near as many as last time but enough that something needs to be done. H has been plotting devious ways of ridding us of these pests without spending a fortune on the exterminator. Mostly because right now is "nesting" season for the little darlings and they are protected by law until the middle of August. At least they are protected from professional extermination, not from H.
And so the battle begins. 
I was sent to stand on the  side of the house to see if any were nesting over there. Do you know how freaking fast these little suckers fly? One minute there is nothing and the next second there are 4 bats flying over your head. You can imagine how thrilled I was to be on bat patrol.  But as far as I could tell the majority are nesting in the roof of the lanai. Problem is you have to go up on the roof and lean over to get at the spaces where they are. And you have to do that after dark when they have all left their nest. H has a plan to get wood and nail screening on it and hang it over the nest so the bats can get out but can't get back in. Sounds like a plan but the man is up muttering about bats all day and half the night. (which doesn't explain why I am wide awake at 3AM)
H is headed for Home Depot in the morning to gather supplies. He has forgotten that we are having the roof power washed in a week or two so all his nets will have to come down for that.
I think I'll just let him go for it. It will be interesting to see who gets the better of whom. And I have the hospital and the exterminator both on speed dial.

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