Saturday, May 18, 2013


I know I should not pick on H but seriously folks,  he is impossible.

The latest adventures revolve around his butt.  Not a nice topic for a blog but it involves OH so much more.  The poor guy got this boil on his "back". As usual I didn't find out about it until it was too late to do much of anything.  By the time I was allowed to see it the monster had grown to the size of a potato. (A little red potato, but a potato none the less.) Upon the advise of several friends and family and then the oncologist we soaked that sucker till it was looking more like a prune.  STILL NOTHING !  It finally started to crack open and then the fun started. The boil began to OOZZZZZZZZZZE !  Like crazy! So much so that I was doing 2 loads of laundry a day to get the nasty out of towels, pants and shirts. Where ever H sat there was a puddle of ooze left behind. I had a bunch of plastic pads left over from our days with Papa Danny so I started putting them on the bed and chair. The soaking adventures continued but this thing had a mind of its own. It probably had a bigger mind than H. I was fighting a loosing battle with a 2 year old and a monster boil and I wasn't winning!  Not even close!
I would try to H to soak in the tub but that was a no go. Not a clue why but the man would not sit in the tub.  I tried to soak the boil a couple of times a day but that was too much of a bother for him. I considered taking a kitchen knife to "it" or him but I managed to control myself.

Finally, yesterday, after 2 visits to a surgeon, the doctor cut that beast open and got out the core. While this whole "operation" was under way in the doctors office H was laying on a table trying to figure out what side he needed to lay on. He can't remember where the boil is!  (How can you not know where this elephant is on your butt ???  It is the size of Rhode Island but you can't remember where it is????)

Calm . . . . .  So the doctor tried to numb the area and clean this up as much as possible. I was standing next to H with my hand on his arm so he would feel calm.  I was told by him to stop touching him and just leave him alone.  I moved away but was watching his face.  I thought he was in major pain from the scrunched up face and grimaces.  Later he told me he could feel tugging, no pain.  I hope he never does feel pain cause I can't imagine how he would react to that.
So the beast is cut, packed and covered. I get to take the dressing off tomorrow and take out the packing.  Not looking forward to that just because of the production it will become. Maybe I'll do it by flash lite while he is sleeping.  Oh, no that won't work because he keeps sleeping ON his back, just like the doctor told him not to.

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