Friday, May 10, 2013


It all begins with having a really good night's sleep! And in order to achieve there are a few things required.  First and foremost is to get your own ROOM.  Not just your own bed, but an entire room all to yourself.  Preferably with a TV and bathroom but those aren't as important as the door that can be shut so you have total peace and quiet.  Get your comfy clothes on, grab your favorite pillow and settle in for a long, quiet, uninterrupted sleep. No snores, no grunts, no farts, no stealing the covers. just QUIET!  Next take a healthy dose of a strong night time cold medicine. Who cares if you have a cold or not, just take the medicine so it will knock you out and settle under those covers.  If you need to kill some time till the drugs kick in watch some stupid TV. Swamp People or River Monsters are two particular favorites of mine but pretty much anything on cable TV will do.  When your ready to sleep click that TV off and happy dreams. I slept 12 hours last night and felt wonderful today. Still have the cold, nose is still clogging up but I don't feel as lousy.

Step two to having a really nice day is to go to a movie. I LOVE MOVIES !  I think the only person who loves movies more than me is our friend Frank. That man can quote whole scenes from just about any movie you mention. Most movies just go in my head and out again but I really enjoy them in the moment.  Today we went to see "42", The Jackie Robinson story.  LOVED IT !!  I did not expect to enjoy this movie as much as I did but it really was good!  A must see if you get the chance. Or on DVD is fine too. A very good tale!

After the movie it is a must to go have a nice lunch some where and then go sit by your pool for the remainder of the day.


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