Can you get jet lag from Baltimore to West Palm Beach ? Cause if this isn't jet lag that I'm feeling it must be that I am getting old and out of shape.
We spent an impromptu week in Southern Maryland babysitting Kaelin and Finn. Or rather, they took care of us. Ger and I have not traveled further than Pompano Beach to see Smith. It's been almost a year since Ger's cancer diagnosis and it has been just about that long since we were in Maryland. Thank goodness our kids do travel to see us because I would be lost without seeing grand kids for that long. But travel has been put on hold and we have not even considered it until we were needed. Keri's nanny had taken last week off and Steve had a conference scheduled for St. Louis for half the week. Without taking a lot of time off Keri was in a bind so it was grand ma and grand pa to the rescue. Ger really wasn't sure if he was up to the trip but he pulled himself together and off we went. We had gone back to the surgeon on Friday and she cut open H's boil and pulled out the core so it would heal. Poor H told everyone who would listen that he "HAD SOME SURGERY" before coming up to Maryland. I can only imagine what these folks thought but he was happy to have a story to tell. They probably were thinking he had a lobotomy because he really doesn't make much sense these days. I find myself biting my tongue and counting to about forty just so I won't "snap" at him. There is a lot of "UH HUH< SURE< OK< and YEA YEA's" in my vocabulary because I have pretty much stopped listening. There was a "discussion" yesterday about who was coming to the house first thing in the morning. I didn't have anyone on my calendar but H insisted some repair person or something was coming. No One Came!
So combine a week of taking care of my 2 darlings AND Ger with a week of trying to keep up with H's ramblings and I am in a state of what we will fondly call JET LAG. I am hitting the pot pills any time now and sleeping something like 14 hours a night/day. I know that is not healthy but I don't care. Bottom line is I had a fabulous time with the kids and Keri but what I really want is a week with my BFF's from NY. I need GIRL TALK and female therapy in the shape of wine, ice cream and laughter.
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