Wednesday, December 24, 2014


I am reduced to a puddeling mass of tears by the words, "I LOVE YOU".  Best Christmas gift ever was just given to me by my first born child. Kyle doesn't go for the warm fuzzies in life. He has an analytical mind and is not comfortable with emotions. But today he was talking to me on the phone and just ever so quietly slipped in, "I love you" as we ended the call. I am now one hot mess knowing that  my boy really doe love me. Not that  I ever think he doesn't love me but we don't throw those words around as easily as I do Keri and Kent. I always felt I did something wrong as a mother raising my first child.  I loved him with all my heart but don't think I showed it as easily as I did with the other two kids. What ever . . . . When Kyle says I love you it is something VERY VERY special !

That is just one of the many Christmas gifts God is giving me this year. It's a different Christmas for sure being alone here in the house, spending days running back and forth to the rehab facility trying to help Ger strengthen. I am slowly learning to accept what IS and stop trying to make things "normal". Right now things are NOT normal. And that is OK. God has my back and is filling my life with so much love and strength from friends and family.

Yesterday my nephew Brian called to say he was in town with his 3 AWESOME children, could they come over?  YES YES YES and the next thing my home was filled with laughter and joy, silliness and fun.  BEST GIFT EVER !!!!   I adore these kids who always make me feel so loved, even when they cheat at the board game we were playing. (That just adds to all the fun!) Thank you my loves for spending the evening with me!

Then there is Mary Lou who just entered my life a week or so back. We had a chair we wanted to get rid of. D-I-L Bridget took pictures, posted it on "Craig's list" and got the ball rolling. Mary Lou called and suddenly I found myself part of this wonderful woman's life and family. She brought her 2 beautiful daughters, dinner for me and a ton of delicious cookies with her to pick up the chair yesterday. Brian helped them load the chair in the car and his kids ate all the cookies !  So many laughs, so much love and Mary Lou will probably be part of my life for years to come.

God does work in mysterious ways.  I see his hand in my life every minute of every day and I THANK GOD for all His love and support.  I asked God to help me through this rough time and boy OH boy has HE come through with HIS love BIG TIME !!!!

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