Saturday, December 6, 2014


Here I am at 4:30 in the morning coughing my brains out so I can't sleep so I gave up to wander the house.  This is the time of the night when my creative juices are running rampant but I can't DO anything because Husband is sleeping. I decided I'd get up and wrap some Christmas gifts that have to be delivered to the church tonight and that was when the epithany slapped me up side my head!

A GAME SHOW FOR MEN TITLED . . .     "WRAP IT !"    . . .
A man would be selected from the audience to come up on stage. There he would stand behind a table on which were placed a scissor, an empty tape dispenser, a roll of tape still in its packaging and a roll of wrapping paper. He man would start out with the $100 gift. Given an allotted amount of time he would be required to load the tape dispenser, cut the paper to the correct size and then wrap an item. Being the lowest prize amount the item to be wrapped would be fairly simple, such as a shoe box, a box of cereal or some other item with four straight sides. The challenge at this level is of course the TAPE DISPENSER. I have yet to meet a man who could place a new roll of tape into the dispenser without the assistance of a woman. (I know you're out there guys, I just haven't seen it yet. I'm just going by the man I live with so I'm just saying.)
If the contestant completes the challenge in the given amount of time the challenge gets harder. The next item might be a book. It is still fairly easy but there are those 3 sides that aren't really flat. BIG PROBLEM!  Once the book has been conquered the items to be wrapped get increasingly more difficult. Like footballs, roller skates, ping pong paddle, a mug and the most dreaded item of all, a big stuffed teddy bear!
If we really wanted to make it insanely difficult we could switch out the regular wrapping paper with
Foil paper, or cellophane or even the dreaded tissue paper.
I would pay to watch this !
Having it going on in real life at my dining room table is quite another story. God love H but he has got to be THE WORLDS WORST GIFT WRAPPER. He tries so hard but there are more scraps of paper left over after he wraps something because he keeps "trimming" the paper. So much so that he "trims" his paper so much he has to then cut a new piece because the "trimmed" one no longer fits. H wrapped two (2) things for me today in the time it took me to make dinner, put in a load of wash and empty the dishwasher. One was a remote controlled car IN A BOX, the other was a book. He was totally exhausted by this but so very happy he was "helping". And a help he was! He would not have won any prizes on that game show but he did save me the two minutes that it would have taken me to wrap those gifts and he felt good.
On the serious side, there isn't too much H can help with these days. Not that he was ever a winner in that department but he would try. Now a days H is pretty much limited to bringing in the mail. Around here that is HUGE because by the time the mail arrives I am usually up to my elbows in something and looking a mess. Rather than frightening the neighbors by me going out H takes his daily meander down the driveway with an occasional chat with a passing neighbor. He does MUCH better with all that than with gift wrapping.

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