Wednesday, October 9, 2019


There is something about the air in Michigan that makes my nose run like a fire hydrant on a hot day in NY.  It usually starts in the plane as we are approaching Detroit and by the time I have changed planes and am on my way to the U.P. I am going through tissues faster my mother-in law went through ice cream. I'm seriously considering buying stock in the Kleenex company because their stock has taken a steep incline since I arrived here at Dwaynes.

At first I thought it was all the trees around the house but my nose runs whether I am indoors or out. Then I though that it could be the old house with its crawl space cellar and the musty attic. But even when I am in a grocery store or church my nose continues to flow as fast as the Days River just down the road. The only difference between the river and my nose is that I continue to try to control the flow. I might as well try to dam up the river for all the luck I am having in getting my nose to dry up. On the other hand my skin gets so dry up here that I am slathering on so much body lotion that I am sliding off the naugahyde chairs in the kitchen. My hands are dry, my legs are dry, my face is dry except for the constant flow from my nose. It just doesn't seem right that there can be that much fluid in my body to produce that much nasal liquid , (otherwise known as snot). And you would also think that with this constant drainage from my nose I would have lost at least ten pounds but I guess I'm using about that much body lotion each day so it evens out. Unfortunately I am not the only one in this house that has a proboscis problem. Dwayne too has a constant drippy nose so between the two of us there are tissues EVERYWHERE !

No matter where we go we have at least two boxes . . . yes, I said BOXES . . . of tissues at arms reach at all times. When we traveled in the RV recently we had a total of 6 boxes of tissues in active use and at least two more stored away for emergencies. There were tissues up in the cab of the RV, one box on D's side and one on mine. There was a box in the kitchen area, one in the bathroom and one by each of our beds. We are well prepared. The only problem with all this nose blowing is that at some point we need to dispose of the soggy snot rags. I try, I REALLY try to keep a "garbage" bag within throwing distance of all locations and yet I find tissues everywhere. Some of them are used, some are as fresh as when they came out of the box. I find tissues stuck down the sides of chairs, on tables, on the floor. Forget about when I make the bed in the morning . . . I need a snow shovel to get all the tissues out of the bed. It's a wonder I still put sheets on the bed because we have a  lovely little nest of tissues to sleep in.  I find tissues in every pocket of every piece of clothing we own and sometimes I will even find a tissue in my shoe. But the all time worst place to find a tissue is in the dryer. I always try to remember to check the pockets of clothes going into the washing machine but some how those little buggers, (or boogers if you please), manage to find their way into the laundry. Most times you don't know they are in the wash until everything has gone into the dryer so that at the end of the cycle you are met with a blizzard of tissue shreds when you open the dryer door. Why is it that some tissues will disintegrate into a thousand little pieces ALL over every item of clothing, (usually the dark load), and other tissues come out looking like they just came out of the box except they are usually thinner? What ever form they are in upon exiting the dryer they are all clinging to every item of wash causing so much static electricity as you peel them off that you could light up a Christmas tree.

It's a loosing battle . . . runny noses, tissues all over the place . . .  

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