Tuesday, October 15, 2019


The other day I went to the store to buy some water . . . If I had made this statement 50 years ago people would have been getting out the straight jacket and have me committed to the local insane asylum.  I don't know when buying water became fashionable or even necessary but somewhere along the way we found ourselves purchasing WATER.

When I was a kid water was the clear, cold, CLEAN stuff that came out of the faucet when you turned the handle. The water had no taste which is what made it so good. We even drank water straight from a hose that was laying out in the yard, no filters or purifiers, just a faint taste of rubber.
When we went on vacation to upstate NY or Vermont we drank water straight from lakes and rivers. Just made a cup with our hands, dipped them in and had a wonderful drink of the most delicious cold water you can imagine. Not once did it occur to us that there might be some rogue bacteria lurking in the water just waiting to kill us. Hell, we didn't even know what bacteria were.

So what happened ??  I understand the population of the world got sloppy and stupid and allowed many of our water systems to get polluted but we also realized what was happening and immediately took measures to correct our mistakes.  Do you remember the ad campaigns against pollution?  There was "Woodsy Owl" telling us to "Give a Hoot, Don't Pollute" and as a kid I was horrified at the thought of anyone dropping any sort of waste on the ground or in the water. I remember my mom picking up trash along the road as we walked to the store. She was a woman way ahead of her time. I can only imagine what she would have to say about buying water.

I will be the first to admit that I do NOT drink tap water these days, no matter where I am traveling. I have totally bought into the idea that tap water is not fit for human consumption. This all came about when I moved to Florida. Up until my move south I always drank the water straight from the faucet when we lived on Long Island. (I had stopped drinking from the hose even though my kids continued to do so and they all turned out pretty normal.) When I first came to Florida I just went on thinking tap water was perfectly fine to drink until someone suggested otherwise. I remember the day I filled a glass with water and took a good look at it . . . Holy Crap . . . the water was YELLOW !! And there were "things" floating in it. Never drank from the faucet again ! I have even gone so far as to purchase a water cooler that holds 3 & 5 gallon bottles of supposedly fresh water. The water jugs are labeled  "spring water" which I can accept because there actually are a lot of springs in northern Florida. I do not think about the creatures that are probably living in the spring water . . . alligators and manatees . . . I just focus on the thought that this water is hopefully a lot fresher and cleaner than what ever is coming out of my kitchen tap.

My BIG burning question of the day regarding all the bottled waters that are out on the market is
When I went to the store the other day there on the shelf were bottles and bottles of "Smart Water".
I had to buy some just to see if maybe the water would tell me the meaning of life or perhaps give me some answers to the many burning questions I have. I drank the entire bottle and I am no more enlightened to the plight of humanity than I was before. The water did not taste smart, although I have no idea what "smart" tastes like so maybe I missed something there. It looks like normal water and because I do happen to know what "Stupid" looks like I did not see anything smart about it.

In fact I am beginning to think that instead of Smart Water making people smart it is totally the opposite because how stupid do you have to be to pay $3.00 for a bottle of water ?

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