Thursday, October 24, 2019


I like calendars . . . I have one hanging in my kitchen that I made on "Shutterfly" so each month has photos of my grand kids.  I have a calendar on my computer desk that I use all the time even though there is a calendar on my computer, my phone and my iPad.  I faithfully fill in doctor appointments, visits with friends and baby sitting dates that I have with my grand kids. Each month I look at the blank page and think, "OH how nice . . . I have nothing to do this week" and each week things start filling up the empty days until the entire month is full of names and times. I keep my calendars for a year after they are done because inevitably there is at least one occasion where some one asks, "When was it we did . . . ?" and I'm able to look back and come up with the dates and times.

But something is wrong with my calendar this year. According to ALL my calendars this month that we are presently in is supposed to be October but I do not think that is correct. For all my life October has meant the beginning of Autumn when leaves turn colors, (unless you live in Florida). It is also the month that starts to bring in cooler days and chilly nights. (Even if you live in Florida.) Add to that people usually start turning to indoor activities and tend to stay closer to home. (Unless you live in Florida!).  October is not normally a vacation month and up until this year it was not yet the beginning of Snow Bird Season. That joyous event was left to December at the earliest but definitely by January the invasion was in full swing.  Normally in October the temperatures would be dropping to the high seventies and the humidity would have left us so that the days would be much more pleasant and comfortable and the nights would actually begin to cool off a bit. Not so this year! All I can think is that there must be a hole in the universe that is causing all sorts of strange things to happen.

A week ago yesterday I arrived back in West Palm Beach thinking I would never be warm again after spending the month of September in Michigan. Everyone up there was commenting on the fact that is USUALLY  never that cold so soon in September and October but COLD it was and I was looking forward to the warm temperatures down south.  I stepped off the plane at six in the evening wearing jeans and a jacket and almost passed out when the humid 90 degree air hit me. I figured it was just a passing heat wave and it would be gone in a day or two. It is now over a week later and it still feels like someone threw a wet blanket over you when you walk out the door. The heat and humidity hit you like a wall when you step outside and that is just plain WRONG for this time of the year. Add to that the fact that the Snow Birds have flown south already and have invaded our restaurants and stores not to mention the insane drivers that are now clogging our roads. I went out this morning to drive a half mile to our mall and in that short distance I had a person cut across in front of me from the right lane to make a left turn.  NO signal, not even a glance my way, just drove right across my lane. Then there was the person in the left lane who made the left turn on a RED light but I guess thats OK since they were turning from the left lane. I sat there wondering if I was really seeing all this and then I saw the out of state license plates and knew for sure it was beginning . . . And it is ONLY OCTOBER !!!!!!    Or is it ???

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