I guess it is fitting that tonight, in the very last hours of the very last day of this year gone to hell, that I should be feeling a bit "low" and in need of some solitude. All this self quarantine crap and not being able to travel is taking its toll on my brain. Tonight I find myself wanting to go sit outside in the dark and just let my brain settle. The Man does not understand this need so I am doing the next best thing . . . I'm sitting in my recliner in the darkened living room while The Man watches basketball on TV. It's not ideal but it is better than jumping off a cliff or driving off into the sunset.
Depression is a bitch. It creeps up on you when you least expect it and knocks your feet out from under you. Good thing I don't get depressed. I just get cranky, and nasty and obnoxious, which is much worse for those around me.
I believe my "mood" stems from last night and my failure to get a decent night's sleep. We went to bed early enough but because The Man had slept for THREE hours in the afternoon he was wide awake when all I wanted to do was climb under the covers and go to sleep. Because I am a wuss I didn't tell him to go out into the living room if he wanted to watch TV. Instead I found a movie on the bedroom TV and then proceeded to stress myself out because the movie WE settled on was a war movie. Have you ever tried to sleep through a battle scene in a movie? It isn't easy. Guns blazing, cannons firing, planes dropping bombs . . . not your most zen environment. I did the best I could, told The Man I was going to sleep and dug down deep under the covers with a pillow over my head. I was so tired that I actually was falling asleep when all of a sudden The Man pulled the covers back and asked me, out loud, "Have you seen my clicker?" It was at that moment that he nearly was nearly beat to death with a clicker IF I indeed knew where it was. I muttered something that in my head translated to, "WHAT THE F - - - ARE YOU THINKING?" but at that moment he found the missing clicker sitting on top of the covers on his side of the bed so he didn't quite get the gist of my muttering. I would have rolled over in a huff except I can't roll over on this shoulder of mine so I just pulled the covers back up over my head and continued to curse until I finally fell asleep. Because I had gone to sleep cursing I did not have a good night's sleep. My dreams were angry and I woke up often. So much for trying to go to bed early.
Today I was up early having had a lousy night's sleep. It was a quiet day and once again The Man took a long nap in the middle of the day. I get that he needs his rest but when he naps he then wants to stay up late at night. I have found that if I sleep during the day I don't sleep well at night. There are plenty of days that I do enjoy his schedule but last night was just not one of those times. I'm desperate for some solitude! A week alone would do me worlds of good. No TV, or if I had the TV on it would not be playing Fox News, sports, westerns, hunting or war movies. I would love to sit and watch some sappy movie and cry my way through three boxes of tissues. We DO have 2 TV's but like Husband this Man does not like to be in a room alone. If I go into the other room he will show up within minutes and want to watch something stupid. If I say I'm in the middle of watching something I get the puppy dog eyes and then suggests that he will go shower and maybe when he is done we can put on something we can watch together.
What is with this togetherness shit ??? Good God ! Can they do NOTHING ALONE ???? We go to the store together, when I'm making dinner he comes over and sits at the kitchen counter to "keep me company", when he goes anywhere he wants me to come with him. Arggggggggggggggggggg
And I am complaining because I have someone who cares for me. . . Couldn't they just care a little more by themselves?
So, New Years Eve is a bust. Not that we are party folk anyway but I do enjoy a good meal out, (A trip to Burger King still does not count as "dinner out"), or drive to the beach or SOMETHING other than eat, sleep, watch TV. But then I guess that is still much better than being in a hospital with Covid-19 or being dead so I will make the best of it and hopefully get a better night's sleep tonight.
I've got to go now because I'm going to hide the TV clickers out on the lanai with hopes that The Man will find something else to do besides watching TV. Or maybe not . . . The TV does keep him from bugging me.