Monday, December 28, 2020


 My grand kids watch "Fails" on YouTube.  Up until about 3 years ago I had no idea what at "fail" was. It appears that this new generation finds it way too difficult to speak in complete sentences and use complete words. Thanks to texting, the vocabulary of the average person under the age of thirty is made up of random letters strung together. Every word and sentence must be shortened to save time. "Failure" becomes "fails",  "merchandise" becomes "merch",  "laughing out loud"becomes"LOL" and of course "Oh My God" becomes OMG.   I get that when texting we must save the delicate fingers of our young people from the exhausting task of tapping a screen but shortening words when we speak is just plain stupid and lazy.  (Personally I think that when kids write they abbreviate because they can't spell for shit. Even with "auto correct" and voice activated text messages. )

But that's not the point of todays blog.  Today I am pissed and puzzled by our United States Postal Service which is also know as the "USPS".  (Do you know how many times I mix USPS with the delivery company "UPS" ?  On several occasions I have called either one or the other of these two companies trying to track down a package only to be told, by a very condescending voice, "I'm sorry Mam, but the tracking code you have given me is not one of ours. Your package is not being shipped by us."  The first time this happened I of course accused the nice person on the other end of the line of being an idiot until I realized that it was ME who was the idiot.)

Anyway . . .  Like all else that has been going on in our world these last couple of generations "Service" is not something that anyone appears to take pride in.  Our pride in doing a job well has totally disappeared. I think it started back in the 1950's with the demise of the gas station attendant. Whether the job of putting gas into your car was too demeaning for a person to do or the gas companies decided they needed to make even more money for themselves by taking a job away from some poor worker it was the beginning of the end of civilization and service.  (You know it was the gas companies fault. It's always about the money!)

So now in 2021 we are left with a world where no one wants to work for a living.  Everyone, (almost everyone) just wants to get paid for sitting home on their fat butts playing video games or texting all day.  And because they have nothing else to do they must find quick and easy ways to make their lives move faster.  It doesn't make any sense when you think about it but it seems to be the truth. 

Sadly WE in the "normal" world are left with the end result of all this "quickness" and lack of pride or ability to provide service to others. The perfect example of this is The United States Postal Service, (which I will refer to as "USPS"). To put it blankly and frankly, the USPS sucks BIG TIME !!!  

What I really don't get is how in this day and age of such advanced technology the task of getting a piece of mail from point A to point B is so difficult?  We no longer have to give said letter to a young man on a horse who will then gallop across our country while being pursued by Indians and wild buffalo, riding day and night, swapping out half dead horses at various points along the way. It would take a week for your letter to get from New York to California but it DID get there!  

Now a days we send a letter, (do I need to describe exactly what a "letter" is to anyone out there?) to a friend or family member and it takes three weeks to go from Florida to Georgia.  If I glued said letter on the back of a sea turtle in Florida it would probably get to Massachusetts faster.   

What the Hell is going on USPS ?????  You require me to spend a fortune in stamps and that still doesn't get my mail to where it's going !   If Amazon can get a couch to my front door in two days why can't the USPS get a Christmas card to a child?

The Man and I were so well prepared for this Christmas season it was frightening.  We were proactive in buying gifts and getting them into the mail for those family members who live in Michigan and Alaska.  We KNEW the USPS would be slow in doing their job but never did we expect them to be this slow and incompetent.  I have had problems in the past couple of years getting birthday cards to my own grand kids who live five minutes away. I put the card in the mail box and it disappears !!  Sucked into the Black Hole of our postal service. So at this point neither The Man or myself have any faith or trust in this great American institution. ( It IS part of our government so why I would expect anything less than complete failure?). It is like one of those math questions on the SAT's where if a train leaving from point "A "travels at X number of MPH in a Westerly direction and a train leaving from point "B" travels  . . .    You get the idea. Now we have the problem of, "If Christmas Card "A" leaves our house at the exact same day and time as Christmas Card "B" and both cards are traveling from the same post office in Florida to the same address and last name in Alaska AND Michigan WHY is there a problem ????  In BOTH cases only ONE of the cards arrived at the address they were headed for.  Did the postal workers in these two states decided that only one card per family can be delivered ???  

We sent Christmas Cards to each of The Man's 2 Alaska grand daughters at the same time on the same day from the same Post Office.  Both girls have the same last name.  Both girls live at the same address with their dad. They have lived at this address for probably ten years. Yet one card arrives and the second card goes missing !  The card that did arrive took TWO weeks to get from Florida to Alaska.  "Well" you might say, " it IS traveling Three Thousand Miles". But that actually should get it there faster because things going into Alaska ALL fly there.  It is much cheaper to fly stuff from the lower 48 than to put it on a truck or a train. So using this logic it SHOULD get there faster !?  As confusing as that is how about the two Christmas Cards that we sent to The Man's two grand daughters in Michigan. This gets much more complicated with different addresses, different towns, different last names but still . . . How can one card  arrive at its destination a week later and the second card go completely missing after two and a half weeks?   And WHY does it take a card traveling from Florida to Michigan take a WEEK to get there?  The Man and I drive that distance every May and October and it only takes us THREE days.  Is the USPS playing tricks on us ??  

I am totally pissed and puzzled !  Or should I say, "I'm totally P & P".  (Do you know that typing "P & P" takes more time than tying out the words, "pissed and puzzled"?  It's a fact !)

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