The other day I was laughing with my BFF, Sharon, who was trying to tell me I may be like Saint Paul. Sharon knows all about the Bible and the saints so I am sure she knows what she's talking about when we discuss anything Catholic/Christian. Being a cradle Catholic I know very little about the saints and the Bible. When I was growing up we were too focused on memorizing everything in the Baltimore Catechism. (If you're a catholic brought up in the fifties you'll know what I'm talking about.) We had to memorize things like, "Who Made Me?" . . . "GodMade Me". The nun would shoot off the questions and us kids would have to know the answers without hesitation to fire back at Sister Satan before she whacked us with the wooden ruler that she ALWAYS had in her hand. Sharon on the other hand grew up Protestant and knew her Bible. She was apparently raised on the stories from the Bible and grew up a lot better Christian than most of us Catholic kids.
I don't know much about good old Saint Paul, other than he had a lot going on in his life and bore many crosses but never swayed from his faith in God and his commitment to spreading the word of Jesus. According to Sharon I am going to be like St. Paul. That cracked me up big time.
Sharon and I were discussing my shoulder surgery that has now been "postponed" FOUR times. I have said that God is trying to give me the message that I am not supposed to have this surgery and I just keep ignoring Him and rescheduling. Sharon seems to think that I am going to be like St. Paul and just have to endure this achey, painful shoulder as my "Cross" in life. I honestly can not imagine what purpose that would serve other than making me a miserable human being that no one will want to be around. Maybe THAT is the challenge, remaining kind and loving while being in pain ?
What ever is going on here I REALLY wish God were a little more clear in His messages. By now He has got to know I am pretty dense and it takes the proverbial two by four smacking me up side my head before I get the point. So far all He has done is send us a plague that is ravaging the world population and shutting down hospitals so I can't get elective surgery. When that didn't work He sent me some pneumonia in both my lungs thinking that would get my attention. I can not even imagine what God has in store for me if I reschedule this surgery yet again but I know I'm not getting on any airplanes or ships any time soon.
Just in case !
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