Saturday, August 3, 2024


 For the past 2 days I have been walking around muttering, "Are you kidding me?".  I will not speak these words out loud because you know who is the reason I am muttering.  Where to begin . . .  

I guess I'll start with 2 days ago when I started getting ready for my youngest child, Kent, and his 3 kids to come visit from Florida.  They are only coming for the weekend but beds need to be made and food needs to be bought.  Actually the beds need to be blown up before they can be made.   The house has 3 bedrooms. One of them is up stairs and has nothing in it.  Apparently The Man and his wife emptied it out when the kids left and have not gone up to the attic since.  That leaves 2 working bedrooms.  One is the one we sleep in and the other is my "closet".  Because The Man has his closet and dresser filled in the "master" bedroom I have taken over the dresser and closet in the second bedroom.  There is a bed in this room which guests have used but usually what we do is blow up 2 queen size beds in the parlor so our guests can have a large space to spread out in.   

But today we have 4 guests.  Kent, the ten year old twins and 14 year old Smith.   I offered "my Closet room" to Smith because I know how teenagers like their privacy.  The Man was not happy with this decision of mine because it meant one more air conditioner would be running.  Of all the all the days I have ever spent in the UP I have never felt 2 days as hot as these past 2 days.  Usually it might be warm for a couple of days in the summer but most of the time it is in the mid 70's with that wonderful cool breeze coming off the lake.  Yesterday and today were like living in South Florida.  Almost 90 degrees, not a breath of air moving and HUMID !  It is air conditioner weather for sure.  All the rooms have an AC unit up on the wall that is controlled by a clicker.  You can have just one running or all 4 cranking at the same time. Option number 2 makes the most sense to me . . .  get all four working at minimum power and the house stays cool.  The Man wants just the AC in the room he is in to be on.  That means closing doors.  Have you ever lived in a house with 3 kids who never closed a door in their lives ?????  

But I have gotten ahead of myself.   Returning to the blow-up beds.  I blew up bed #1.  No problem.  I turned on the motor for the pump on bed #2 and it ran for 2 seconds, started to smell like burning rubber and it quit.  Now I have a blow-up bed with no blower.   No worries.  I got out the vacuum. This is the point that The Man walked into the room "TO HELP".  I explained the problem and told him I was going to use the vacuum to blow up the bed.  I was told that can't be done. "The vacuum sucks IN and I need it to blow out."  I just ignored him because trying to explain what I was doing was fruitless.   I opened the vacuum, too the hose off the outside of the machine and connected the hose to the exhaust.  The Man was silent.  Unfortunately it did not work because I couldn't get the hose to match up with the bed valve.  It was then that The Man actually used his brain and suggested the small portable motor we bought to inflate beach floats.  I had forgotten we had one in MI but knew exactly where it was.  Voila !!!!  Instant bed blowing.  The entire time I was inflating the bed I was being "assisted" by you know who.  I wanted to blow him up by the time we were done.  When we finished I was ready to sit and recover for a bit but I still had to make the beds, get the pillows and blankets and set up the room.  The Man went to take a nap.

Fast forward a couple of hours and I am rummaging around in the pantry closet for who knows what while wondering what the odd smell is emanating from the pantry.  The Man walks by and says, "I noticed a smell in the pantry earlier today. WE need to find it."   OK, "WE" all know what "we" means.  And so I began to dig.  Now earlier that day I had rummaged around for something quick to eat for breakfast as we drove to Manistique.  I found an old box of Pop Tarts and took out one package of them.  The package was sealed and intact and the Pop Tart was toasted and tasty.   Now the same day I am looking for something that stinks and it seems to be coming from the Pop Tart box.   Sure enough when I look at the packages in the box several of them are CHEWED OPEN.   YUCK !!!!!  A mouse has been in the box eating the very same pop tarts that I ate for breakfast.   Not only that but when I took the box outside to toss the tainted breakfast treats guess what I found in the bottom of the box ?   A DEAD MOUSE !!!!!! He was quite cute but also quite dead.  Thus the stink !!! 

The thought that I had eaten one of the "poisoned" treats almost made me throw up.   The only thing I could think of to do was to come in the house and have a shot or two of Jack Daniels.  Which is exactly what I did !!!  Alcohol to kill any nasty whatever that may have contaminated my breakfast.  After a couple of shots I didn't care what I had eaten or what The Man had to say.  

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