Each night when I go to bed I say my prayers for the day and then I get thinking about my next blog. I get all sorts of great ideas popping into my head. Unfortunately the lights are out and H is snoring so the opportunity to write anything down just isn't happening. By morning my brain is blank and the blog is the last thing I am thinking about. Until that night when I have "shower epiphanies". I do some of my very best thinking in the shower and when I am half asleep. I have some "soap crayons" that I bought for the grand kids when they take baths here. I am moving them into the shower so I can write my ideas on the walls of the shower for the next day when I have time to write. But then, with the light of day the ideas would probably seem pretty stupid and I wouldn't write any way.
I have a problem with writing during the day. H is awake . . . and it is hard to write when some one is asking a bunch of really STUPID questions like, "what are you doing?". That is my all time favorite. I am sitting at the computer with a blank page in front of me typing like crazy. WHAT THE F--- DO YOU THINK I AM DOING ? I usually reply with some snarky remark like, "I'm baking a cake" or "I'm riding a bike". That only stops the questions for a minute or two. Then we get into the "What's for lunch" or "Are you going to eat soon?" which translates into FEED ME ! Sort of like the plant in Little Shop of Horrors. H has actually told me this evening that I am ALWAYS at the computer. I figure if my choices are staring at FOX NEWS all day or doing something on the computer my Mac will always win ! He just doesn't get it.
From what I hear my youngest son is just like his father. JUST DOESN'T GET IT ! "Get What?" you may ask. IT ! Get that wife has not been put on this earth just to be at your beck and call. Wife is a thinking, (that is not a good thing in H's mind"), breathing being who has things that SHE wants and needs to do. Our lives are not devoted to just making you happy. HELL NO ! And when was the last time YOU did anything to try to make us happy. Things like take out the garbage, empty or fill the dish washer, make the bed, walk the dog, cook dinner and on and on it goes. Nope, they just don't get it!
I am supposed to be calmer these days thanks to my new out look on life, Serenity Prayer and all but sometimes I just want to forget the prayer asking God for serenity, courage and wisdom and just ask for a BIG FREAKING BASE BALL BAT to smash the living shit out of this man.
So how did I get here from having shower epiphanies to wanting to beat H to pieces? This is just the natural order of thought when I allow my fingers and brain to run free and think and write what ever comes to mind.
I guess I should have taken a shower before I started typing.
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