Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Yesterday my first born child had a birthday. Since he was born in 1973 I calculate he turned 40 yesterday. That is IMPOSSIBLE !
Wasn't it just yesterday that he was born? All 9 lbs, 15 oz of him.  Looking up at me with those HUGE blue eyes wondering what he had gotten himself into. (I was wondering the exact same thing!)
But then, wasn't it just yesterday that we celebrated his first birthday with cake and candles and party?
Or was is just yesterday that he got on that big yellow school bus for the first time and headed off to Kindergarten and the beginning of all those years of school, friends, learning and fun?
I think it was just yesterday that he came home from Junior High all upset after tennis practice that someone had stolen his brand new Swatch Watch that he had just gotten for his birthday.
Or was it high school and the trip to Paris with the French Club, Senior trip to Washington DC or Senior Prom.
And then I know it was just yesterday that we drove him to Fredricksburg, VA and dropped him at Mary Washington College where he blossomed into the man he is today, partly thanks to meeting his wife to be.
All those little jobs he had trying to survive when Bridget was in Grad school. Traveling across the country to go to spend 2 years in Oregon while he went to grad school.   Wasn't all that just yesterday?
I know it was just yesterday that my boy's daughter, Abby was born.  She can't possibly be 8 years old can she?  It was just yesterday that Kyle and his family went to Windsor, England for 3 years. It was just yesterday that Kyle and Bridget and Abby opened their hearts and home to Roman.

NOPE, all that is past . . .  It has been forty years since this amazing man was born and brought to us the greatest blessing God could give. I love this child more than life itself and thank God every day for his presence in our lives.


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