Touching base from command central here. Just enjoyed a great day with Smith and his parents. Mommy Kristen is popping like Jiffy Pop even though she is only 3 months along with the twins. She has popped so much in just a week I cannot imagine what she is going to look like at 9 months. Some things are better not thought about.
Because I have my new wheels I was all set to save Kent and Kristen the drive up to our house today. Ger and I left here a little after noon and stopped to buy Ger a burger at Checkers. I just couldn't bring myself to eat anything at that point so I settled for a soda. Off we cruised down to Pompano where we found the boys both sound asleep. Kristen let us in and we sat and chilled for an hour till the men folk got up. Mookie and I FINALLY got our walk in, last week it was raining too hard and the time before that it was too hot to walk any place. Mookie is getting old and I had to talk her into more than just once around the block. The poor thing is 10 or 11 now and has no interest in sniffing or chasing lizards. I think her ears and eyes are failing so walking just isn't as much fun as it used to be. It IS a lot easier for grandma because we now do not have to stop at EVERY tree, shrub and plant. We were both glad to get back and lie on the couch for a while.
Once Smith and Kent joined the living we all left grandpa and Mookie to watch football while the rest of us went up to the pool for a swim. Now that Smith has wheels you would think the trip would take half the time but that is OH SO NOT the case. Evil Knievel took off zig zagging down the street until he noticed a lizard. At that point he would come to a screeching halt, jump out of his car and announce to all of us, "Look at THIS lizard!" After about the eighty second lizard mom and dad were making up lies about what was at the pool that we had to hurry to go see. That little man drove up to the pool, on to the sidewalk and right into the pool area without ever going off the side walk. He drives a thousand times better than Grand Pa ! We all had a lovely swim and then returned to the house to get grand pa so we could go out to dinner. (The trip home took as long because not only did we have to stop to check out the lizards but Smith had to pick some flowers for mom and I to put in our hair.) This kid is too freaking cute !
Next weekend we are all traveling so we won't get a Smith fix. We will be headed to Maine and a Glo and John fix on Frye Island and Smith and family are headed to a wedding with a quick overnight at cousin Finn and Kaelin's house in MD. I bet we will all have lots of stories to tell when we all return.
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