Ger is amazing ALL my friends down here with his complete lack of ability to do ANYTHING! My BFF's in NY are used to Ger but the gals down here do not know or understand this man. They are learning fast !
I had a most awesome day today with my friend Carol. We went out early, (my kind of early, 10:30AM) for breakfast. We had ice cream! Well, not REAL ice cream but a vegan concoction of wonderful berries and peanut butter all mashed together into a sorbet texture topped with bananas and strawberries. OH MY ! It was better than Dairy Queen and that say A LOT ! Carol discovered this wonderful new place in Tequesta and had to share it! After breakfast we made 3 or 4 other stops, met with another friend for a latte at Starbucks, (minus the whipped cream) and then one last stop before heading home. What a great day with some really neat women.
But as it happens when a couple of friends get together there was a lot of talking! At one point Carol inquired as to whether Ger and I would exchange gifts for Christmas. It seems that after 48 years married she and her husband no longer exchange any gifts, whether for Hanuka, birthdays or anniversary. "How very sad", I thought. Ger and I ALWAYS exchange gifts. As Carol inquired what I would be getting Ger for Christmas I started listing all the things I had already picked up and the couple of other things that I still wanted to shop for. She then took that question one step further and asked what sort of gifts Ger got for me. At this point I had just pulled into a parking spot at the post office so I had time to pause and think. The answer . . . NOTHING. I have already been told that I would be getting nothing for Christmas this year.
And here is the AMAZING part . . . BECAUSE . . . Ger doesn't have time to shop. Ger can't get out to shop, Ger doesn't know what to get me.
All that translates to me that Ger is lazy and doesn't care enough to make the effort.
It is AMAZING that Ger does NOTHING all day except watch FOX News.
It is AMAZING that Ger couldn't pick up the phone and call one of our children and ask them for ideas or help ordering something.
It is AMAZING that Ger can't even stop at the local florist, (yes, that would be the one I have pointed out EVERY time we are in the CVS shopping center)
It is AMAZING that I have stayed with this man all these years and never once taken a bat to his head.
Yes folks, he is AMAZING all right. Even with watching TV all day long and seeing all those TV commercials for Christmas products the man STILL can't come up with an idea for a gift for his wife.
By the end of our wonderful day out Carol was shaking her head in AMAZEMENT that this man could be so dense and self centered and that I put up with him.
And that folks is the truly AMAZING part. Why do I put up with him?
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