And how could it not be when Smith is involved? Smith and family came up yesterday along with Smith's Grammy from Delaware. Kristen's mom was in town with the Pompano Lawlor's for a week and is now back in DE. They all drove up yesterday so we could spend the day here playing with all the toys at Grandma's house. (Cause there just aren't enough toys in the world when it comes to a three year old.) We played for a while and then went to THE PIRATE RESTAURANT, Shipwrecks, for some yummy lunch and a look at all the pirates and ships decorating the place. The high point was when we were leaving the manager/owner(?) gave Smith THREE (3) GOLD DOUBLOONS! Made his day. The three little gold coins were clutched so tight in his little hand and he showed them to EVERYONE on the way out of the restaurant. On the way home in the car Smith started to doze off and one of the coins fell out of his hand and hit the car seat. The boy was awake like a shot and all upset that one of his coins had fallen from his hand. I held the other two for him and reassured him we would get the third on as soon as we got home. AND maybe grand ma could also find a special treasure chest to put them in. He was back to sleep in seconds dreaming, I'm sure, of pirates and their treasure.
Once we got home Smith continued to sleep for about 20 more minutes and then he was up and ready to go. We came up with a coconut shell I had saved from some past cruise that had been carved into a pirate face and made into a bank. IT WAS PERFECT ! The coins are now safely inside the coconut shell and ready to take on his next pirate adventure.
From pirate gold we went to bat catching. As is only fitting of the most bravest of pirates. Kent was cleaning up our yard for Ger when he went on his semi annual BAT SEARCH. (You remember the previous incidents with B A T S.) Guess what's back and living in the eves of our house? YEP !
THEY'RRRRRRRREEEEEEEEE BBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK ! Kent found one and the hunt was on. The poor little thing that he found was traumatized beyond belief but Smith enjoyed it and the poor little thing finally did fly away.
This now gives Ger a new focus beyond the brown palm tree fonds and pods on the palm trees out back. (Anything other than Fox News is a welcome addition to our lives.)
The family left shortly after with visions of pirates and bats in their heads. (Beats sugar plums dancing in your head any day!)
After they left we were pooped Three year olds and bat hunting will do that to me. Ger and I had dinner and I sat and watched the Kennedy Honors which I really enjoyed. As I was watching, (heaven forbid I should sit and DO NOTHING!) I got working on the medical bills for this years income taxes. I had papers every where and my brain is spinning. By midnight I called it a day and crashed!
This morning I heard Ger get up around 9 but I just couldn't move. I slept until 11 and then decided I would do NOTHING today. (And here's where the title of today's blog comes in). I was going to do absolutely not one single thing other than move from one seat to another. NO cooking, cleaning, bed making, clothes sorting, washing, folding, lifting, bending, shopping, paying bills, reading anything other than emails but not answering them. I was going to totally take the entire day off and, well, BE GER. I would not lift a finger to do anything productive for a full 12 hours!
I got out of bed, went into the den, sat down and checked my email.
That took about 20 minutes. I WAS BORED OUT OF MY MIND!
Twenty minutes was all it took! I sat down to blog after I made the bed. Now I will go make some lunch for H and then heaven only knows what I will get into from there.
I JUST CAN'T DO NOTHING ! Impossible and very sad but I 've got things to do and stuff to sort and put away and clean and move and organize and . . .
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