And how do I know that ???????
My Cuckoo clock died !
After all that is going on in my life right now the damn clock that Gerry and I bought on our honeymoon in Austria and brought all the way back to the USA 67 years ago decides to DIE this week ! Well ! The damn world might the "F" as well end tonight because this is just the topping on the cake ! You have GOT to be kidding me ! SERIOUSLY ? I've been winding the damn thing twice a day for 67 years and it decides to die THIS week ? Somebody is playing with me. And I know exactly who it is. And he is doing a fine job of messing with my head and making a fine mess of my brains and spirit but I'm praying over time, double time and FULL TIME that I get through this house sale and future home hunt without loosing my mind or shaving my head! (Brittany Spears here I come. I totally can identify with that girl. My hair is getting shorter by the day. some people eat when under stress. I cut my hair.)
There is part of me that feels that if the world would end that would be an easy out to my house hunting dilemma. There are the signs pointing in that direction. Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton for President certainly do make us hope for an early end to civilization. Global warming is a sign that the end is near. The fact that "The Donald" has almost gotten the presidential nomination is another sign that civilization has lost it's mind so must be near it's end.
And the final sign that the end of the world has got to be just around the corner . . .
This is my second blog in 2 days ! What is the world coming to ?
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