Why do people feel they have to make "suggestions" or even be so bold as to TELL you what you NEED to do when you are in a position of making changes in your life ? All this "helpful" input from friends and family is putting me right over the edge and straight on to a complete and total spiral into a mental collapse.
The phrase, "You know what you should do!" is offered way too often by way too many people for way too many reasons. I know everyone means well but it really gets tiring. After hearing the same suggestion from the same person for a week and a half you would think they would get the hint that perhaps I am not going to take their suggestion so maybe they should STOP giving that advice? But sadly NO, they just continue giving the same sad advice as if I hadn't heard it ever before and I would suddenly think it extremely wise and profound. Isn't that something like the description of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?
Then we have the helpful Harry's who think their advice is so excellent I should drop everything and try their suggestion immediately. They will tell me something at 10AM on a Tuesday morning and then call me at 3 that same afternoon to see how their suggestion worked out. I have not even gotten out of the bedroom at that point never mind made it to the telephone or out of the house to follow through with what ever our conversation was about that morning. When I tell them this they are SHOCKED that I have not followed through with the forty three steps involved in what ever we discussed. I work at a turtles pace, sometimes a dead turtles pace when my friends expect me to be racing along like the energizer bunny on speed. I'm met with disbelief and dismay that I haven't raced out to tackle this problem immediately.
Right now I am being met with the wide-eyed blank stares of amazement when asked where I am moving to and I reply, "I HAVE NO IDEA.". Just because the house is sold and I go to closing in about 6 weeks and haven't a clue where I will be moving to doesn't seem to worry me. But those folks around me are in panic mode. Talk about getting a load of, "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU SHOULD DO"'S, this is a field day of suggestions from everyone. I figure I can always get a storage unit for the beds and boxes. (The new owners are keeping all other furniture.) I've got my car and a bunch of friends with empty condo's that I have the keys for. And I can always take off to travel to parts unknown. I'm not worried in the least. And one thing I DO know is, anything I DO DO is going to be done because I want to DO it not because some one tells me to DO it. So friends . . .
Please keep your DO DO to yourself and let me figure this out on my own. I'll call if and when I need you because I DO know you love me and you're there for me but somethings I just have to work through on my own.
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