Monday, May 23, 2016


I get it ! I DO understand ! But seriously friends and family . . .  you can NOT help me pack ! I know you all love me and want to help in some way to make this as easy as possible for me but packing for me or with me just is not the answer.

Consider this scenario . . . My house . . . Total chaos . . . boxes everywhere . . . closet doors open . . . dresser and cabinet drawers open . . . objects spilling out of closets and drawers . . . things  piled on beds and counters and tables and you think you are going to know what to put where ?  HELL, I don't know what to put where !

I've got boxes and bags labeled to go to the veterans. I've got boxes and bags filled and set aside for a yard sale in Pompano and I've got boxes and bags slowly filling up waiting to be moved into my new condo. Then as the "condo" pile gets too large I freak out, tear those boxes open again, re sort that stuff and add some of the condo things to the yard sale and veterans piles. IT IS A NIGHTMARE ! But for some very bizarre reason I'm having a great time !

 I have always loved organizing things. From the time I was a kid I could spend hours emptying a drawer and reorganizing it. My room was always fairly neat and my toys were always taken care of. Guess that explains why I still have the original game of Life from when I was a kid.  Always put the pieces back in their proper spots after playing for hours with my imaginary friends. (Oh the strange things an only child will resort to in order to amuse themselves!)
But I don't need to resort to games these days.  I've got plenty to keep me busy for the next month.

Packing is a solitary sport and I am enjoying every day of it. I only need to convince everyone that I am fine doing this alone and I really can't and don't need anyone to help at this stage of the game. The MOVING stage of this adventure is a totally different story. THAT is when I will need a ton of help and THAT is when I an assure you every single one of my friends and family will be on vacation!

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