Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Just when I thought my life couldn't get any worse today happened. This was the ultimate worst thing I have had to struggle through yet. With all the change I am going through and all the challenges I have been faced with I got up today, took my condo rental application over to the new community I hope to be living in and dropped that off along with two checks for deposits.  The girl in the office said she would be in touch soon.  Now I wait.

Rather than wander aimlessly around the neighborhood I chose instead to return home to my house and get into some work clothes and get started on some more packing of my belongings.  I've decided to attack this systematically. Everyone says to just pick a closet or drawer to start with, open the door and start pulling things out. The choice is to either throw each item away or pack it. I have chosen to add option #3 which is to either donate or sell items at a yard sale.

The BIG question is which closet or drawer do I start with ????????   Fool that I am I chose . .. . . . .
                                      THE     JUNK    DRAWER
And this is where the horror began . . .
Everyone has a junk drawer. Don't try to tell me you don't. You may not call it your junk drawer but you know it when you see it. It's that drawer in the kitchen or in your desk or in your night table or in the hall closet that has the scissors and tape and glue stick and tacks and string and batteries and all that other little crappy stuff that just doesn't fit any place else except in that catch all drawer that is lovingly referred to as "THE JUNK DRAWER".   Most junk drawers are just a hot mess of stuff crammed in hodge podge so that often it is impossible to get the drawer open. That's the fun of a junk drawer.  You never know if it will open and you never know what you will find in it. There's always the chance you will impale your self on an exacto knife or a thumb tack or even glue your self to the super glue that your husband left open when he last used it. It"s a black hole of surprises that if you don't clean it out every so often can sometimes take over your kitchen. In spite of the fact that MY junk drawer is very organized compared to most, complete with separate sections for pens, markers, batteries and paperclips it still took me over an hour to clean it out today and pack its contents for moving, garbage and yard sale. I have NO idea what took me so long but I have never in my life seen a junk drawer so clean once I finished.  Nor do I know why I ever had reason to purchase 42 black magic markers, 27 sharpie markers, 53 ball point pens, 64 pencils, 15 erasers and an untold amount of paperclips. From that one junk drawer I managed to produce 3 boxes of item to sell at a yard sale and 2 boxes of things to move to my new home and my new junk drawer where ever that will be.

How strange to picture a new junk drawer in a kitchen that I can't even picture yet. Will the drawer be as large as this one was? Will I have to down size my junk like everything else in my life? If  only I could down size my butt and thighs as easily as my junk drawer I'd really be a happy camper.

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