Saturday, September 4, 2010


This morning I had planned on continuing yesterdays blog about music but that will wait till tomorrow.
I have spent the evening puttering . . . a term often used by my good friend Glo up in Maine. Glo is THE QUEEN of puttering. She has shared her art with me and tonight I made her proud. Puttering is basically spending time doing nothing constructive. Tonight my puttering brought me to going through my old blogs. I didn't realize that I have been doing this almost a year! That pretty much blew my mind. How is it possible that I could find this much crap in my brain to share with you and still have a brain full of more crap?
Today's waste of time started out with a very focused goal. Clean up the garage. Ever since the grand kids left the garage has been the resting place of EVERYTHING. When the cleaning lady came this week and we had to clean up so she could clean, all the clutter was dumped into the garage. You know what I am talking about. Everybody has a clutter spot. It may be a room, a closet, or only a drawer but we all have one. Some people have an entire house reserved for clutter, Husband has the trunk of his car which often spills over into the car. It isn't as bad now that he is retired but it still has a tendency to gather garbage. There was a time when his trunk would have forty two refillable soda cups from 7/11 and the gas station. He never remembered to bring the cup into the store so he would have to buy a new one. Why he had to save all forty two of them is beyond me but that is a question for another day.
I started in the garage around noon and made some progress but then had to stop for mass at 4:30. Then there was dinner and a video call from Keri and Kaelin. Everything stops when they call ! Kaelin was telling us about her Rainbow Picnic today at a beach in VA. (She has a book called "Rainbow Picnic" where Minnie and Mickey bring foods of all colors on their picnic.) She had to take a bath and wash her hair tonight because of all the sand in her hair. She looked wonderful and it was so good to see her. Skype is just amazing !
By the time I got back to the garage it was almost 8PM and I immediately got side tracked with my blogs. I'm not sure how that happened but here it is 10 PM and the garage is still a mess.
Tomorrow is another day. Maybe it will rain so I will be motivated to do some more garage cleaning. Or Not . . .

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