Dear Mrs. Roker,
How do you do it? How do you live in the same house with a man who is obsessed with the weather?
Many years ago, when my husband had a job with a large township in New York, I told him if he ever decided to run for a public office I would not support him. Day in and day out I would hear about the politics of the town and who was stabbing who in the back. I heard about the "little people" in town politics and about the "big wigs". I knew all the names and was bored to tears over the petty politics and ridiculous tales of maneuvering within the town hierarchy.
Then husband retired and we moved to Florida where we keep up on local and national politics but not on a personal, first name basis. I thought I had it made. Dodged that bullet so to speak. Little did I realize that living in Florida brings with it CONSTANT WEATHER WATCHING . . . ESPECIALLY DURING HURRICANE SEASON.
The TV is on at 9 AM to catch the morning weather report and remains on ALL DAY ! At noon there is a jump to local news to catch the weather. For most of the time Fox News is on but when there is a hurricane brewing it is a constant jump from Fox to the weather channel until 5 PM when the local news comes on. From 5 until 7 the local news' are on, flipping back and forth to catch the weather on each one. Thank God Fox has their news an hour early at 10PM so husband can catch the weather there at 10 and AGAIN at 11 on another station.
And HOLY Guacamole we have hit the mother load this September. (Last year was a very dull year and husband was bored to tears.) There are 3 named storms in the Atlantic and another brewing. Husband is tracking these storms minute by minute. ( I am not kidding!) When I get up in the morning I get an update. When we have breakfast, lunch and/or dinner I get a storm update and when we go out the topic of discussion is . . . you guessed it . . . HURRICANES !
I think, Mrs. Roker, you probably have it easier because at least Al is OUT at the station tracking the weather and storms. I am living here with STORM WATCHER who lives and breathes for the latest update on the 'STORM CONE". The storm that is out there now is headed up the East Coast and will have no effect on us here in Florida, but that doesn't matter. We have friends and family that must be called because a storm is on its way! (Like they don't have TV?)
For the past week I have been hearing about Hurricane Earl. To hear husband talk I am thinking the East End of Long Island is about to get washed into the ocean. I was talking with one of my friends who lives out on LI and who I will be visiting in a week. I asked her if she was prepared for the storm and asked it if would affect our plans for a few days at Montauk, on the tip of Long Island. She told me the storm was just going to be a little rain and wind, nothing to speak of.
The old saying "Ignorance is Bliss" is fine with me and I am choosing NOT to listen any more to the panic in husbands voice when he is talking about these storms. I really would like to know if there are any tips you could give me for distracting husband from the storm watch. But they must not involve me in any way, Please. The reason I haven't smashed the TV before now is that it does keep husband from bothering me. I guess I have to decide what is worse . . .
getting blow by blow (pun intended) reports of storms or having to entertain husband all day.
Maybe if I just got some ear plugs I could deal with the storms.
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