Sunday, September 26, 2010


I am guilty of not enjoying the moment I am in. This occurred to me yesterday when I was with my little grandson. Holding him in my arms I was envisioning him 3 months from now when his personality would start showing, 6 months from now when he was learning to sit up on his own, a year from now when he would be walking and starting to talk. I was enjoying him in my arms but I wasn't content with the moment without looking forward to things to come. I did the same thing with my own children, always looking toward something in the future. I do it with my other grand children, picturing them growing older and becoming some thing other than who they are now.
How foolish I am! I am making a vow to appreciate everything for what it is right here and right now.
Little grandson Smith will grow up way too fast and I will have missed so much. Here he is at 2 months old and I don't even know where those months have gone. It was just yesterday that his mom and dad told us he would be joining the family in 8 months. Now he is here and all I can see is what he WILL be rather than enjoying what he IS.
I guess the link to the blog about little Ewan brought a lot of this to my mind. ( Here is a baby who is just days old and his parents don't know if he will survive the many complications that he was born with. They are forced to live in the NOW because there may not be a tomorrow for their child. How very stupid of me to not realize that we all should approach life as if there is no tomorrow. Forget about the "I can't wait for . . ." moments and live in the here and now. Enjoy the moments you spend with your child, even if it is at 3 AM when you would rather be sleeping. As my mother used to tell me, "We can sleep when we are dead".
Smith is 9 weeks old, he doesn't sit, stand, talk, or walk. He just eats and sleeps and that is just WONDERFUL ! He can barely hold up his head and that is fine. He sort of smiles when he has gas and that is great. He kicks his little legs and waves his little arms and that is awesome to behold. Before any of us know it the little man will be in college and we will wonder why we rushed through his childhood. The best advice I can give my son and his wife is to stop rushing forward and enjoy the now. It's too late for me and my kids but I hope this new generation of moms and dads stop and enjoy today with all that it brings because we really don't know if we will ever get to tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely right. I think we all need a reminder of this every now and then, but you are 100% right. Live in the now.
