Not much going on here these days so I haven't been inspired to write. Rather than have you think I had left town or my brain had gone to mush I thought I'd just bring you up to date on the nothings that are going on in our lives.
For starters, I leave on Saturday afternoon for a week on Long Island with 2 of my best friends. September is usually the time when husband and I head for Maine to visit our long time great friends Glo and John but this year we won't make it up there. Hopefully we can talk them into coming to Florida over the winter. After all the goings on this spring and early summer I needed to touch base with the LI Princesses for a good laugh and an attitude adjustment. These women validate me and bring me back to a good place mentally. Recently there was a forward going around the Internet about a study done at Stanford University about the importance of women connecting with their gal pals. It stated all the things that my friends and I have known for years. Women think differently than men and sharing with other women is important to good mental AND physical health. So far be it for me to jeopardize my health my not taking time to spend with "The Girls".
But before I get on that plane we have a busy week ahead of us. Yesterday was exhausting ! Took a long walk in the morning with husband and went to the movies and dinner in the afternoon. (Yeah, this retired life is tough.) We went to see the new George Clooney movie, "The American". Don't bother. The movie was dull and boring but thankfully George is easy on the eyes so I didn't doze off.
Today was a bit more exciting and different for us old folk. Ger and I went to the minor league stadium just down the road and saw 2 of the Jonas Brothers play soft ball with the Road Dogs team. They played to a half filled stadium and in spite of the fact it was a school day every teeny bopper in Palm Beach Gardens and Jupiter was at the game. Ger and I took seats in the last row way at the top, in the shade, and did some great people watching. It was a fun game, filled with lots of action and even though the Road Dogs lost by 3 the Jonas Brothers played quite well. The game was promoting DO NOT TEXT WHEN DRIVING ! Isn't it sad that we have to actually start a "movement" to tell people this. It's like telling a blind person not to drive. DUH! Where is your common sense people. But it is a new world where people can't figure complex things like "Look at the Road" when you drive. God help us !
Tomorrow is very exciting, the air conditioner guy is coming for our quarterly service. Living in South Florida you don't mess with the AC.
Thursday is the BEST day of this week because Smith is coming to visit. For some reason Broward County schools are closed on Thursday so Kent and Kristen are driving up with the little mister (as Kristen calls him) for a day at grandma's. The pool is still a comfortable 90 degrees so I am sure there will be some pool time set aside for all.
Friday I better do some packing and then I am outa here !
OOOOOOO . . .. Kaelin is calling on Skype so I've got to go. See Ya !
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