My deepest apologies to any circus folks out there who will find my reference to "Living in a circus" offensive. Admittedly, living in a circus is probably a lot calmer than my life right about now.
As you may note it is not even 10 AM yet and here I am blogging! Just wanted you to share some of the fun I am having so far this morning.
Ger has been waking up around 8:30 on a pretty regular basis. This is our new morning routine. I am so in-tune with his movements that as soon as he stirs I am awake. Along with waking up 20 times a night to listen to H's breathing. This is all new to me. Ger slept GREAT last night . Didn't wake up at all to pee.
By 8:45 Ger was ready to move and I was ready to roll over and get the best 45 minutes sleep of the night.
I had barely rolled over when the phone rang. Who else but a doctor's office. Dr. J wants to see Ger at 2:45. WE can't do that cause Dr. V wants to see Ger at 2:15 ! "Sorry, We can't do anything else" so that leaves me with finding the appointment book and calling Dr. V to try to change that appointment. Their office doesn't open till 9 . . . call back in 15 minutes. OK, called back in 17 minutes and change the 2:15 to 1:00 thanks to a cancellation. (The Gods are working with me this morning.) Good to go all set to sit down and have a nice leisurely breakfast and a cup of tea.
It's garbage day . . . OK, I collected the garbage last night so it is just a matter of putting it out. Ann Marie is going to "help". (I am going to write a book on HELPERS. All the "DO'S AND DON'TS")
As we are grabbing garbage Ann notices a bug on the floor. I know it really isn't dead but she attempts to pick it up and off it goes. The chase is on and ends quickly with a smack of my flip flop. Another addition to the garbage. Now we have to put out the recycling. Ann grabs a container, I grab a container and off we go out the garage door, which I stupidly prop open. Upon our return from the curb we walk back into the garage in the company of a LARGE lizard that darted through the open door and ran around the garage with Ann Marie chasing it. I got Ann out of the garage first and then proceeded to HERD the lizard around the garage and back to the door. It took some doing but finally the little bugger ran back outside.
Now we can move on to getting ready to head out the door to doctor #1. That went fairly smoothly until they told Ger that the Social Worker wanted to talk with him today. He did good and told them there was no time today, have to wait till tomorrow. Out the door of doctor #1, home to drop off Ann Marie and take a pee break and off to see doctor #2. The Oncologist is ALWAYS running late so we spent 2 hours there before we had to run off to see doctor #3.
It is now 4:30 in the afternoon, we have not had a moment to ourselves and now it is time to start dinner. IF the pool boy doesn't interrupt us with a problem with the pool because our resident raccoon pooped in the pool yesterday so we have to add lots of chemicals to counter act THAT MESS.
Do you know what I would give for just one day ALONE without having to think, schedule, plan, cook, clean or worry ? Maybe Saturday!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
As I sat in the doctor's office today waiting with Ger I was running through my emails and came upon one from a long time friend and one from my daughter's mother-in-law. Both notes caught me unaware and I found my self tearing up and having to dig for the tissues.
Friends do that ! They just say the best things just when you need to hear something good. And it helps let the pressure off with a little sniffle or two.
I've been getting lots of notes like that these days. I guess because I am putting all this crap out there I am hearing from some pretty awesome people. And I LOVE it ! You can never say enough as far as I am concerned. Which is contrary to what I was feeling when Keri's M-I-L recently went through hell when her husband dropped at her feet and was in a coma for 3 months before passing away.
I didn't know WHAT to say! How do you talk to some one who is running back and forth to the hospital every day for 3 months not knowing what she will find? I have to confess, I was at a loss and therefore chose to say nothing. I am so sorry Linda ! I see what a mistake that was. No matter what I could have said just the fact that I should have said something is what matters.
So thank you all for all your notes, sentences and words of love and encouragement. I love you all and really really appreciated you keeping in touch with me.
On a lighter note . . .
A large package arrived today with Ger's name on it. It came from a wonderful young man that we have known since he was born. Chris is now an employee of CNN in Manhattan and has contacts all over the TV world. We had just seen Chris and his brother, mom and grandma down here in Florida just after Ger was diagnosed with Lung Cancer. Chris being the softie that he is decided to give Ger a lift with a "few" things from FOX TV. (Note this is a "rival" TV station to CNN) Inside the box Chris had stashed a RED SNUGGIE, A BLACK TEE SHIRT, A BLACK ZIP UP JACKET, 2 HATS, A WATER BOTTLE, A BOOK WRITTEN AND SIGNED BY SEAN HANNITY ALONG WITH AN AUTOGRAPHED FOOT BALL, AND 6 AUTOGRAPHED PHOTOS OF VARIOUS FOX NEWS PERSONALITIES. Ger just about wet his pants, which is quite a feat these days! This package has made his day and blown his mind.
CHRISTOPHER . . . . THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ! This is the very best thing that has happened to Ger in the past 2 months. WE love you !
Friday, September 21, 2012
DO NOT ever doubt that there IS a God and that He/She REALLY IS LISTENING!
I am finding that out the hard way. All these years of praying and praying to God asking that He would please, please make this man I am married to, more open and able to communicate and WHAM! God decides to answer my prayers NOW in this manner ? Hello God . . . this isn't what I was expecting.
Isn't that just the best part . . . God has HIS way of doing things and every so often likes to remind us of just WHO is in charge here.
I do see the humor in this and am talking to God a lot telling HIM just how very entertained I am that this is the way he has chosen to strengthen my marriage. I really do find this quite funny. Probably because I am not the one having to go through all the chemo, radiation and subsequent problems. NO, I am the one sitting back watching all this and saying, "Well I'll be dipped in shit and covered in bird turd! Look who is getting what she asked for."
Ger has never been one to share and I have just sat back and kept quiet to keep from upsetting the proverbial apple cart. Well folks let me tell you that God has been watching and listening and probably just got so sick and tired of listening to me piss and moan that he decided to hit me with that 2X4 that I keep telling HIM I need smacking with because I just don't get it. I GOT IT NOW LORD!
This whole cancer crap has woken both H and I up to the fact that we NEED to communicate and even more importantly WE NEED EACH OTHER. It is a work in progress and I don't know if we will really get it completely but we are slowly coming out of our individual cocoons and waking up to the fact that we really do have to share.
Ger is getting better at speaking up when something is bothering him and not just giving me the "Leave me alone" save of the hand and I am getting better at talking gently to him when asking how he is and not getting upset when he doesn't want to talk. How it has been possible for 2 people to share their lives and yet be so far apart for such a long long time? But God is giving us an opportunity here to try this again and with any luck we will do better and better each day.
Now if we are given the gift of a few more years to practice this our marriage may just be made in heaven.
I am finding that out the hard way. All these years of praying and praying to God asking that He would please, please make this man I am married to, more open and able to communicate and WHAM! God decides to answer my prayers NOW in this manner ? Hello God . . . this isn't what I was expecting.
Isn't that just the best part . . . God has HIS way of doing things and every so often likes to remind us of just WHO is in charge here.
I do see the humor in this and am talking to God a lot telling HIM just how very entertained I am that this is the way he has chosen to strengthen my marriage. I really do find this quite funny. Probably because I am not the one having to go through all the chemo, radiation and subsequent problems. NO, I am the one sitting back watching all this and saying, "Well I'll be dipped in shit and covered in bird turd! Look who is getting what she asked for."
Ger has never been one to share and I have just sat back and kept quiet to keep from upsetting the proverbial apple cart. Well folks let me tell you that God has been watching and listening and probably just got so sick and tired of listening to me piss and moan that he decided to hit me with that 2X4 that I keep telling HIM I need smacking with because I just don't get it. I GOT IT NOW LORD!
This whole cancer crap has woken both H and I up to the fact that we NEED to communicate and even more importantly WE NEED EACH OTHER. It is a work in progress and I don't know if we will really get it completely but we are slowly coming out of our individual cocoons and waking up to the fact that we really do have to share.
Ger is getting better at speaking up when something is bothering him and not just giving me the "Leave me alone" save of the hand and I am getting better at talking gently to him when asking how he is and not getting upset when he doesn't want to talk. How it has been possible for 2 people to share their lives and yet be so far apart for such a long long time? But God is giving us an opportunity here to try this again and with any luck we will do better and better each day.
Now if we are given the gift of a few more years to practice this our marriage may just be made in heaven.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Don't give me any shit about being patient, calm, strong or anything thing else. I AM PISSED !
I would make these letters a foot tall so you can hear me screaming at the top of my lungs. those of you who know me know that on the best of days I can be near suicidal. THIS HAS NOT BEEN A GOOD WEEK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need a punching bag and a sledge hammer right now to let some of this anger go. I was just in the pool jumping and kicking and screaming inside (because Aunt Ann Marie is sitting right there watching me so I can't scream out loud.)
Start with last week. Chemo began on Tuesday. Ger was nervous but feeling well. Chemo lasted from 8:30 AM till 4:30 PM. Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong day. Ger slept, read, watched people, played on his ipad and was pretty comfy and content in his recliner. I kept him company. Tuesday was a short day of chemo. 3 hours. Wednesday short day, 2 hours. Thursday short day and I went to pick up Ann Marie who arrived at the airport at 2. Came back and picked up Ger. We came home for dinner. Friday we all went with Ger to chemo and sat till he was done. At this point Ger mentioned in passing the he was a "little constipated". EVERY DAY at chemo the nurses STRESSED to Ger that he had to be DRINKING DRINKING DRINKING lots of fluids. Do you want to guess if he was doing that or not? No NO no niet nada nein NO! "Ger, did you drink something today?" "Are you drinking Ger?" Shit, the only one who is doing any drinking is me!
Kent and family came on Saturday, Ger was off. Sunday we went to church, Ger was off. Monday we returned for a short day of chemo and the nurses asked ARE YOU DRINKING MR. LAWLOR?
He tells them yes. ANY PROBLEMS MR. LAWLOR? He tells them he is a little constipated. WHAT? Still? You haven't gone since last Thursday? I get the "wave" of the hand that tells me to back off. TUESDAY:
A long day of chemo and the last day of this cycle. Once again the nurses ask all the above questions and STUPID gives them the same answers as the past 4 days. Ann Marie and I leave him and we go shopping for some retail therapy. When we return at 2 Ger can barely sit in the chair. He is in pain? He keeps running to the bathroom saying he has to "GO" but when he gets in there he can't. We AND the nurses think he is talking about pooping. He is obviously very uncomfortable. We have discussed all the constipation problems with doctors, nurses and just about any one who would listen. We have bought all sorts of juices, foods and drugs to relieve the problem but nothing is working. Ger is telling us . . . I'LL BE FINE ! By the time we left chemo and were driving to radiation he could barely sit. We go to radiation and then home. I am thinking if we just get him home into his own bathroom maybe he can get something moving.
AFTER we are home for a half hour and he has been running back and forth to the toilet the man mentions that the problem is not just that he cannot poop but he has NOT BEEN ABLE TO PEE since 11that morning and that is what is hurting. D U H ! @#$%$&^&(#$#@$%^&
Next thing we are in the ER, Ger is now in agony and the doctor says his bladder is the size of a soccer ball. They put in a catheter to drain the bladder and the doctor gets the bowels moving.
Husband now has a "Foley" in his bladder and a pee bag taped to his leg for the next week.
We have to go to the urologist next week to see if it can be removed.
We had to go to the oncologist today to fill her in on all that happened.
Ger had to spend 2 hours this afternoon hooked up to an IV to get fluids into him because he is NOT DRINKING ENOUGH. D U H !
We have to spend tomorrow afternoon hooked up to an IV for more fluids.
I am getting my own chair in chemo with an IV of RUM !
Bottom line . . . Ger is feeling much better tonight !
And to think we get to do all this again in 2 weeks !
Don't give me any shit about being patient, calm, strong or anything thing else. I AM PISSED !
I would make these letters a foot tall so you can hear me screaming at the top of my lungs. those of you who know me know that on the best of days I can be near suicidal. THIS HAS NOT BEEN A GOOD WEEK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need a punching bag and a sledge hammer right now to let some of this anger go. I was just in the pool jumping and kicking and screaming inside (because Aunt Ann Marie is sitting right there watching me so I can't scream out loud.)
Start with last week. Chemo began on Tuesday. Ger was nervous but feeling well. Chemo lasted from 8:30 AM till 4:30 PM. Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong day. Ger slept, read, watched people, played on his ipad and was pretty comfy and content in his recliner. I kept him company. Tuesday was a short day of chemo. 3 hours. Wednesday short day, 2 hours. Thursday short day and I went to pick up Ann Marie who arrived at the airport at 2. Came back and picked up Ger. We came home for dinner. Friday we all went with Ger to chemo and sat till he was done. At this point Ger mentioned in passing the he was a "little constipated". EVERY DAY at chemo the nurses STRESSED to Ger that he had to be DRINKING DRINKING DRINKING lots of fluids. Do you want to guess if he was doing that or not? No NO no niet nada nein NO! "Ger, did you drink something today?" "Are you drinking Ger?" Shit, the only one who is doing any drinking is me!
Kent and family came on Saturday, Ger was off. Sunday we went to church, Ger was off. Monday we returned for a short day of chemo and the nurses asked ARE YOU DRINKING MR. LAWLOR?
He tells them yes. ANY PROBLEMS MR. LAWLOR? He tells them he is a little constipated. WHAT? Still? You haven't gone since last Thursday? I get the "wave" of the hand that tells me to back off. TUESDAY:
A long day of chemo and the last day of this cycle. Once again the nurses ask all the above questions and STUPID gives them the same answers as the past 4 days. Ann Marie and I leave him and we go shopping for some retail therapy. When we return at 2 Ger can barely sit in the chair. He is in pain? He keeps running to the bathroom saying he has to "GO" but when he gets in there he can't. We AND the nurses think he is talking about pooping. He is obviously very uncomfortable. We have discussed all the constipation problems with doctors, nurses and just about any one who would listen. We have bought all sorts of juices, foods and drugs to relieve the problem but nothing is working. Ger is telling us . . . I'LL BE FINE ! By the time we left chemo and were driving to radiation he could barely sit. We go to radiation and then home. I am thinking if we just get him home into his own bathroom maybe he can get something moving.
AFTER we are home for a half hour and he has been running back and forth to the toilet the man mentions that the problem is not just that he cannot poop but he has NOT BEEN ABLE TO PEE since 11that morning and that is what is hurting. D U H ! @#$%$&^&(#$#@$%^&
Next thing we are in the ER, Ger is now in agony and the doctor says his bladder is the size of a soccer ball. They put in a catheter to drain the bladder and the doctor gets the bowels moving.
Husband now has a "Foley" in his bladder and a pee bag taped to his leg for the next week.
We have to go to the urologist next week to see if it can be removed.
We had to go to the oncologist today to fill her in on all that happened.
Ger had to spend 2 hours this afternoon hooked up to an IV to get fluids into him because he is NOT DRINKING ENOUGH. D U H !
We have to spend tomorrow afternoon hooked up to an IV for more fluids.
I am getting my own chair in chemo with an IV of RUM !
Bottom line . . . Ger is feeling much better tonight !
And to think we get to do all this again in 2 weeks !
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Once again we are NOT talking about husband and his state of health. He continues to do great with the exception of all those bald patches on the back of his head. This is an endless draw for my eyes. I just can't believe how UGLY a head can look with clumps of hair missing. Thankfully it is the back of Ger's head where he can't see it and I only get glimpses of it. Ugh !
My reference to Heaven is the pedicure I had today. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Next best thing to a massage is a DELUXE pedicure. It has been over 2 months since I treated my tootsies to a slice of heaven and today when the nice young man asked if I wanted the "DE RUX" Pedi I said,"Huh?" (Which is what I always say when these poor immigrants from across the world attempt to engage me in conversation. Between their accents and my hearing it is a no win situation.) Then when I realized what he was asking I told him to go for it ! I'm worth the extra ten bucks !
And OH MOMMA it was worth every penny! Besides the usual soaking of my aching feet in nice hot water there was a great deal of slapping and rolling and twisting and rubbing.
And that was from the vibrating chair I was sitting in.
My feet got even better treatment and I sat there like a queen just enjoying every single moment. I got to thinking that women without a significant other in their lives must REALLY enjoy massages and pedicures. Thankfully I have a husband who will scratch my back for hours but since we got our separate recliners to watch TV I don't get the foot rubs that were common when we would sit on the couch.
So I have to pay some little Asian dude to rub my feet. I'm not too proud to tell you it is heavenly no matter who is working on these feet of mine.
As long as I can afford it I am going to do the "Derux" pedi more often.
And in case you are interested my toes are Neon Pink ! Eat your heart out Sharon.
My reference to Heaven is the pedicure I had today. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Next best thing to a massage is a DELUXE pedicure. It has been over 2 months since I treated my tootsies to a slice of heaven and today when the nice young man asked if I wanted the "DE RUX" Pedi I said,"Huh?" (Which is what I always say when these poor immigrants from across the world attempt to engage me in conversation. Between their accents and my hearing it is a no win situation.) Then when I realized what he was asking I told him to go for it ! I'm worth the extra ten bucks !
And OH MOMMA it was worth every penny! Besides the usual soaking of my aching feet in nice hot water there was a great deal of slapping and rolling and twisting and rubbing.
And that was from the vibrating chair I was sitting in.
My feet got even better treatment and I sat there like a queen just enjoying every single moment. I got to thinking that women without a significant other in their lives must REALLY enjoy massages and pedicures. Thankfully I have a husband who will scratch my back for hours but since we got our separate recliners to watch TV I don't get the foot rubs that were common when we would sit on the couch.
So I have to pay some little Asian dude to rub my feet. I'm not too proud to tell you it is heavenly no matter who is working on these feet of mine.
As long as I can afford it I am going to do the "Derux" pedi more often.
And in case you are interested my toes are Neon Pink ! Eat your heart out Sharon.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Just cause the guy has lung cancer doesn't mean I can't continue to pick on him. The doctor's say we need to keep things as normal as possible. But that can't be good ! And so I shall take this opportunity to piss and moan a bit.
Ger wasn't feel very good last night and this morning but he fails to mention things like that to me. He just puts on his "cranky pants" and goes into his shell. YES YES YES . . . he has lung cancer . . . he is allowed to get cranky . . . BUT . . . I don't have to be happy about it ! When Ger does not feel well he gets very pissy about anything and everything I say or do. And so I just clam up and start to simmer. Thankfully I have a great support group of friends, children and a good therapist who all tell me like it is when I get too far into my pity parties. They all call me out and tell me to " Get with the program" until I see just how stupid I have been. Not to say I won't head down that road again but at least they straighten me out for the time being.
So today when Mr. Cranky was pissing me off I just let him go for it and I went to the dentist. Normally the dentist is the last place some one goes to feel BETTER but I have a very unique dentist. SHE is just awesome, besides being a good doctor, and we have a good time for that hour that I see her every year. Sure enough, by the time I returned to the chemo center I was feeling much better and Ger was also feeling lots better so the day turned out to be pretty great. (Did he miss me and realize I wasn't really being that big a pain in the ass?)
Oh, and what was cranky pants doing to piss me off? Just being Ger . . . He had himself in such a state of tension this morning that he was doubly nauseous, he wouldn't take some crackers with him to ease the nausea, (Morning sickness ladies . . . we know what nausea is!) He didn't take anything to drink . . . the doctor TOLD him to DRINK A LOT . . . and he wore a tee shirt instead of a button down shirt so that the nurse couldn't get to his port to put in the intravenous. I SAID NOTHING . . . after the first snap at my throat . . . but cancer or not I can still give him the finger behind his back.
The book Ger is reading is from Keri, Kaelin and Finley. It is called Grand pa's GET WELL BOOK and contains pictures, crafts and photos from the grand kids. Aren't they just the best !
Ger wasn't feel very good last night and this morning but he fails to mention things like that to me. He just puts on his "cranky pants" and goes into his shell. YES YES YES . . . he has lung cancer . . . he is allowed to get cranky . . . BUT . . . I don't have to be happy about it ! When Ger does not feel well he gets very pissy about anything and everything I say or do. And so I just clam up and start to simmer. Thankfully I have a great support group of friends, children and a good therapist who all tell me like it is when I get too far into my pity parties. They all call me out and tell me to " Get with the program" until I see just how stupid I have been. Not to say I won't head down that road again but at least they straighten me out for the time being.
So today when Mr. Cranky was pissing me off I just let him go for it and I went to the dentist. Normally the dentist is the last place some one goes to feel BETTER but I have a very unique dentist. SHE is just awesome, besides being a good doctor, and we have a good time for that hour that I see her every year. Sure enough, by the time I returned to the chemo center I was feeling much better and Ger was also feeling lots better so the day turned out to be pretty great. (Did he miss me and realize I wasn't really being that big a pain in the ass?)
Oh, and what was cranky pants doing to piss me off? Just being Ger . . . He had himself in such a state of tension this morning that he was doubly nauseous, he wouldn't take some crackers with him to ease the nausea, (Morning sickness ladies . . . we know what nausea is!) He didn't take anything to drink . . . the doctor TOLD him to DRINK A LOT . . . and he wore a tee shirt instead of a button down shirt so that the nurse couldn't get to his port to put in the intravenous. I SAID NOTHING . . . after the first snap at my throat . . . but cancer or not I can still give him the finger behind his back.
The book Ger is reading is from Keri, Kaelin and Finley. It is called Grand pa's GET WELL BOOK and contains pictures, crafts and photos from the grand kids. Aren't they just the best !
Monday, September 10, 2012
Grandpa is loosing his hair and I need some one to come and vacuum . . . Wake up Smith, I have a job for you ! (Can you believe he sleeps with his toy vacuum?)
Grandpa finished up brain radiation today and got his graduation papers. He will return to radiation for his lung a week from today. Before leaving radiation today Ger met with Dr. Herold who gave him a THUMBS UP for doing so well these past 2 weeks. No side effects at all . . . until today.
Ger wasn't feeling great yesterday but we had a good day starting with Charles Osgood's show, SUNDAY MORNING. Then it was off to Sam's club for a few much needed items. Wine and beer were NOT included in this shopping event so bring your own if you're coming to visit.
Last night was low key and we were asleep by 10:30 PM.
Ger says he woke up feeling BLAUGH today along with loosing clumps of hair. He went for his last brain radiation and brought home his "mask" that was put on him during the treatments to keep his head still. The mask was made to fit over his face and then be anchored to the table during treatment. It is now ours to do with what we want. I did suggest hanging it on the wall like a deer head but Ger really isn't for that plan. He is talking about making it into a planter.
Tomorrow starts chemotherapy at 8:30 AM. I think the doctors are trying to kill us with these early morning appointments. Chemo on the first day of each round will last about 6 hours. We don't know what to expect so it is all an adventure to us.
WE will keep you posted and also let you know who sheds more hair, Ger or Mookie the Dog.
Grandpa finished up brain radiation today and got his graduation papers. He will return to radiation for his lung a week from today. Before leaving radiation today Ger met with Dr. Herold who gave him a THUMBS UP for doing so well these past 2 weeks. No side effects at all . . . until today.
Ger wasn't feeling great yesterday but we had a good day starting with Charles Osgood's show, SUNDAY MORNING. Then it was off to Sam's club for a few much needed items. Wine and beer were NOT included in this shopping event so bring your own if you're coming to visit.
Last night was low key and we were asleep by 10:30 PM.
Tomorrow starts chemotherapy at 8:30 AM. I think the doctors are trying to kill us with these early morning appointments. Chemo on the first day of each round will last about 6 hours. We don't know what to expect so it is all an adventure to us.
WE will keep you posted and also let you know who sheds more hair, Ger or Mookie the Dog.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
First we will state that Ger is doing Great so it is not Ger who has exploded !
For the past week or so I have noticed an "odd" smell coming from under the bathroom sinks. (my nose works much better than my ears so I usually am found walking around "sniffing" for the odd smell or two.) Finally I decided to take the afternoon to attack the smell and the mess under the sinks and it has turned into a 2 hour project.
Bathroom sink cabinets are not a priority to me as they are:
1. In the bathroom (yuck!)
2. Under the BATHROOM sink (again, yuck!)
3. Out of the general path of every day life.
It's not like under the kitchen sink where you are looking a couple of times a day for the sponge, the dish detergent, the garbage bags, etc. This cabinet is in the bathroom where business is taken care of and we are not lingering for more than the necessary time. (Unless of course you are the mother of a 2 year old and then you may spend a lot of time in the bathroom because it is the room in the house with a door that locks !)
That not being the case my bathroom cabinets go for quite some time before I feel the need to clean or reorganize them. Today was that day and things were looking pretty good under Ger's sink. I took all 42 razors out and re stashed them in a plastic basket. The 3 bottles of mouth wash got condensed into one and the 14 half tubes of tooth paste were thrown back in cause you just can't condense tooth paste.
Moving on to my side of the cabinet things looked pretty good, 8 containers of body powder, 47 bottles of nail polish, of which I am sure 46 are totally dried up but that is a project for another day. Then I found "IT" . . . THE SMELL . . . At some point in time a tube of hair gel had exploded in a plastic basket and covered EVERYTHING in the basket in a gooey, sticky mess that I can not, for the life of me, get off anything. (And I put this crap in my hair?) The contents of the basket were varied and disposable. The deodorant was save able because of its cap but pretty much every thing else is trashed. I have the basket soaking in the sink and the goo just won't dissolve.
Maybe I should wash it with shampoo !
Mean while the smell is gone but a huge mess remains in my bathroom because until the basket is clean I can't refill it with new junk so everything is scattered all over the bathroom floor. Why do I get into these projects any way?
For the past week or so I have noticed an "odd" smell coming from under the bathroom sinks. (my nose works much better than my ears so I usually am found walking around "sniffing" for the odd smell or two.) Finally I decided to take the afternoon to attack the smell and the mess under the sinks and it has turned into a 2 hour project.
Bathroom sink cabinets are not a priority to me as they are:
1. In the bathroom (yuck!)
2. Under the BATHROOM sink (again, yuck!)
3. Out of the general path of every day life.
It's not like under the kitchen sink where you are looking a couple of times a day for the sponge, the dish detergent, the garbage bags, etc. This cabinet is in the bathroom where business is taken care of and we are not lingering for more than the necessary time. (Unless of course you are the mother of a 2 year old and then you may spend a lot of time in the bathroom because it is the room in the house with a door that locks !)
That not being the case my bathroom cabinets go for quite some time before I feel the need to clean or reorganize them. Today was that day and things were looking pretty good under Ger's sink. I took all 42 razors out and re stashed them in a plastic basket. The 3 bottles of mouth wash got condensed into one and the 14 half tubes of tooth paste were thrown back in cause you just can't condense tooth paste.
Moving on to my side of the cabinet things looked pretty good, 8 containers of body powder, 47 bottles of nail polish, of which I am sure 46 are totally dried up but that is a project for another day. Then I found "IT" . . . THE SMELL . . . At some point in time a tube of hair gel had exploded in a plastic basket and covered EVERYTHING in the basket in a gooey, sticky mess that I can not, for the life of me, get off anything. (And I put this crap in my hair?) The contents of the basket were varied and disposable. The deodorant was save able because of its cap but pretty much every thing else is trashed. I have the basket soaking in the sink and the goo just won't dissolve.
Maybe I should wash it with shampoo !
Mean while the smell is gone but a huge mess remains in my bathroom because until the basket is clean I can't refill it with new junk so everything is scattered all over the bathroom floor. Why do I get into these projects any way?
Thursday, September 6, 2012
It's 10:15 PM, I am no where near ready for sleep, even though H had me up at the crack of dawn, (8AM) and there is nothing on TV except the Democratic National Convention. Last week I endured the Republicans, this week I am enduring the Democrats and so far neither of them has said anything worth listening to. And so, to be fair to all, I will blog and make you endure more endless hot air.
We went to see Ger's Oncologist today and Ger will start Chemo on this coming Tuesday, 9/11. WE thought we would blow this cancer to hell just like our World Trade Center was blown to bits all those years ago. The brain radiation ends on Monday the tenth and the first round of lung radiation begins on September 17th . . . Kyle's 39th birthday . I hope we will be less miserable than Kyle. Ger is being as aggressive as the oncologist when it comes to attacking this cancer. We both figure we have nothing to loose, except his hair and his lunch.
On a happier note . . . Kaelin started school yesterday, (4 year old class, 3 days a week) and she was THE LINE LEADER on the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! To those of you who never worked with or had little children this is a HUGE happening! To be chosen as line leader on any given day is BIG but on the first day of school . . . HOLY COW ! Equivalent to us winning the lottery. This event will be celebrated for years to come. And why do you think she was chosen? . . . Check out this picture . . .
Tattoo's and all, she is still the cutest kid in school !
And talking about cute kids going to school . . . How about those "London Lawlor's" first day of school. Check them out, cast and all . . .
And not to be out done by his big cousins we have a photo or 10 of Smith when he was here last weekend. We have the 3 generations of Florida Guys all chilling over some popcorn and beer by the pool. We tired Smith out so much that when he was napping the next day Kent got this great picture of him. How "CHILL" can you get ?
We went to see Ger's Oncologist today and Ger will start Chemo on this coming Tuesday, 9/11. WE thought we would blow this cancer to hell just like our World Trade Center was blown to bits all those years ago. The brain radiation ends on Monday the tenth and the first round of lung radiation begins on September 17th . . . Kyle's 39th birthday . I hope we will be less miserable than Kyle. Ger is being as aggressive as the oncologist when it comes to attacking this cancer. We both figure we have nothing to loose, except his hair and his lunch.
On a happier note . . . Kaelin started school yesterday, (4 year old class, 3 days a week) and she was THE LINE LEADER on the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! To those of you who never worked with or had little children this is a HUGE happening! To be chosen as line leader on any given day is BIG but on the first day of school . . . HOLY COW ! Equivalent to us winning the lottery. This event will be celebrated for years to come. And why do you think she was chosen? . . . Check out this picture . . .
And talking about cute kids going to school . . . How about those "London Lawlor's" first day of school. Check them out, cast and all . . .
Sunday, September 2, 2012
DIDJA KNOW . . . ?
Abby is in a new cast. She broke her foot last week and had a hard plaster cast from toes to knee. She got a new fiber glass cast this past Friday and it is much lighter and it is PURPLE !
Didja know that with this new cast and a wheel chair Abby, Roman, mom and dad, went to Buckingham Palace yesterday to see the CROWN JEWELS. They took the train into London and got special treatment at the palace, thanks to Abby being in a wheel chair. Also thanks to Abby's wheel chair the family was able to cover much more ground than if Abby had been walking. Abby is NOT an New Yorker so when she walks it is usually at a snails pace with many many stops along the way, much to the frustration of every one she is with . But pushing her in a wheel chair gave everyone the opportunity to MOVE ALONG! The family may pay the doctor to leave this cast on forever.
We went to Lion Country Safari today with Smith and his mom and dad. We had a great time and Grand pa said it was a GREAT day. (Ger was a little worried that he might get tired but we all did just fine, in spite of the loads of people and the hot weather.) Smith loved the animals, the lions were walking around and the rhinos, monkeys and giraffes were all awake and active.
Didja know that with this new cast and a wheel chair Abby, Roman, mom and dad, went to Buckingham Palace yesterday to see the CROWN JEWELS. They took the train into London and got special treatment at the palace, thanks to Abby being in a wheel chair. Also thanks to Abby's wheel chair the family was able to cover much more ground than if Abby had been walking. Abby is NOT an New Yorker so when she walks it is usually at a snails pace with many many stops along the way, much to the frustration of every one she is with . But pushing her in a wheel chair gave everyone the opportunity to MOVE ALONG! The family may pay the doctor to leave this cast on forever.
We went to Lion Country Safari today with Smith and his mom and dad. We had a great time and Grand pa said it was a GREAT day. (Ger was a little worried that he might get tired but we all did just fine, in spite of the loads of people and the hot weather.) Smith loved the animals, the lions were walking around and the rhinos, monkeys and giraffes were all awake and active.
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Photo moment |
Feeding the birds |
Flying High |
Keep that thing away from me |
Riding a camel |
Engineer Smith Didja know you can ride a camel, a lion and a train ? Didja know you can feed a giraffe? DIDJA KNOW WE HAD A GREAT DAY ! |
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