Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Once again we are NOT talking about husband and his state of health.  He continues to do great with the exception of all those bald patches on the back of his head.  This is an endless draw for my eyes.  I just can't believe how UGLY a head can look with clumps of hair missing.  Thankfully it is the back of Ger's head where he can't see it and I only get glimpses of it.  Ugh !

My reference to Heaven is the pedicure I had today.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!  Next best thing to a massage is a DELUXE pedicure. It has been over 2 months since I treated my tootsies to a slice of heaven and today when the nice young man asked if I wanted the "DE RUX" Pedi I said,"Huh?" (Which is what I always say when these poor immigrants from across the world attempt to engage me in conversation. Between their accents and my hearing it is a no win situation.) Then when I realized what he was asking I told him to go for it !  I'm worth the extra ten bucks !
And OH MOMMA it was worth every penny! Besides the usual soaking of my aching feet in nice hot water there was a great deal of slapping and rolling and twisting and rubbing.
And that was from the vibrating chair I was sitting in.
My feet got even better treatment and I sat there like a queen just enjoying every single moment. I got to thinking that women without a significant other in their lives must REALLY enjoy massages and pedicures. Thankfully I have a husband who will scratch my back for hours but  since we got our separate recliners to watch TV I don't get the foot rubs that were common when we would sit on the couch.
So I have to pay some little Asian dude to rub my feet. I'm not too proud to tell you it is heavenly no matter who is working on these feet of mine.
 As long as I can afford it I am going to do the "Derux" pedi more often.

And in case you are interested my toes are Neon Pink !  Eat your heart out Sharon.

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