Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Just cause the guy has lung cancer doesn't mean I can't continue to pick on him.  The doctor's say we need to keep things as normal as possible.   But that can't be good !  And so I shall take this opportunity to piss and moan a bit.

Ger wasn't feel very good last night and this morning but he fails to mention things like that to me. He just puts on his "cranky pants" and goes into his shell. YES YES YES . . .  he has lung cancer . . .  he is allowed to get cranky . . . BUT . . . I don't have to be happy about it !  When Ger does not feel well he gets very pissy about anything and everything I say or do. And so I just clam up and start to simmer. Thankfully I have a great support group of friends, children and a good therapist who all tell me like it is when I get too far into my pity parties. They all call me out and tell me to " Get with the program" until I see just how stupid I have been. Not to say I won't head down that road again but at least they straighten me out for the time being.

So today when Mr. Cranky was pissing me off I just let him go for it and I went to the dentist. Normally the dentist is the last place some one goes to feel BETTER but I have a very unique dentist. SHE is just awesome, besides being a good doctor, and we have a good time for that hour that I see her every year. Sure enough, by the time I returned to the chemo center I was feeling much better and Ger was also feeling lots better so the day turned out to be pretty great. (Did he miss me and realize I wasn't really being that big a pain in the ass?)

Oh, and what was cranky pants doing to piss me off?  Just being Ger . . .  He had himself in such a state of tension this morning that he was doubly nauseous, he wouldn't take some crackers with him to ease the nausea, (Morning sickness ladies . . .  we know what nausea is!) He didn't take anything to drink . . .  the doctor TOLD him to DRINK A LOT . . .   and he wore a tee shirt instead of a button down shirt so that the nurse couldn't get to his port to put in the intravenous.  I SAID NOTHING . . .  after the first snap at my throat . . .   but cancer or not I can still give him the finger behind his back.

The book Ger is reading is from Keri, Kaelin and Finley.  It is called Grand pa's GET WELL BOOK and contains pictures, crafts and photos from the grand kids.  Aren't they just the best !

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