Friday, September 21, 2012


DO NOT ever doubt that there IS a God and that He/She REALLY IS LISTENING!
I am finding that out the hard way. All these years of praying and praying to God asking that He would please, please make this man I am married to, more open and able to communicate and WHAM! God decides to answer my prayers NOW in this manner ?  Hello God . . .  this isn't what I was expecting.

Isn't that just the best part . . . God has HIS way of doing things and every so often likes to remind us of just WHO is in charge here.

I do see the humor in this and am talking to God a lot telling HIM just how very entertained I am that this is the way he has chosen to strengthen my marriage. I really do find this quite funny. Probably because I am not the one having to go through all the chemo, radiation and subsequent problems. NO, I am the one sitting back watching all this and saying, "Well I'll be dipped in shit and covered in bird turd! Look who is getting what she asked for."

Ger has never been one to share and I have just sat back and kept quiet to keep from upsetting the proverbial apple cart. Well folks let me tell you that God has been watching and listening and probably just got so sick and tired of listening to me piss and moan that he decided to hit me with that 2X4 that I keep telling HIM I need smacking with because I just don't get it. I GOT IT NOW LORD!

This whole cancer crap has woken both H and I up to the fact that we NEED to communicate and even more importantly WE NEED EACH OTHER. It is a work in progress and I don't know if we will really get it completely but we are  slowly coming out of our individual cocoons and waking up to the fact that we really do have to share.

Ger is getting better at speaking up when something is bothering him and not just giving me  the "Leave me alone" save of the hand and I am getting better at talking gently to him when asking how he is and not getting upset when he doesn't want to talk. How it has been  possible for 2 people to share their lives and yet be so far apart for such a long long time?  But God is giving us an opportunity here to try this again and with any luck we will do better and better each day.

Now if we are given the gift of a few  more years to practice this our marriage may just be made in heaven.

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