Tuesday, September 25, 2012


My deepest apologies to any circus folks out there who will find my reference to "Living in a circus" offensive.  Admittedly, living in a circus is probably a lot calmer than my life right about now.
As you may note it is not even 10 AM yet and here I am blogging!  Just wanted you to share some of the fun I am having so far this morning.
Ger has been waking up around 8:30 on a pretty regular basis.  This is our new morning routine. I am so in-tune with his movements that as soon as he stirs I am awake. Along with waking up 20 times a night to listen to H's breathing. This is all new to me.  Ger slept GREAT last night .  Didn't wake up at all to pee.
By 8:45 Ger was ready to move and I was ready to roll over and get the best 45 minutes sleep of the night.  
 NOT !
I had barely rolled over when the phone rang.  Who else but a doctor's office.  Dr. J wants to see Ger at 2:45.  WE can't do that cause Dr. V wants to see Ger at 2:15 ! "Sorry, We can't do anything else" so that leaves me with finding the appointment book and calling Dr. V to try to change that appointment.  Their office doesn't open till 9 . . . call back in 15 minutes.  OK,  called back in 17 minutes and change the 2:15 to 1:00 thanks to a cancellation.  (The Gods are working with me this morning.)  Good to go all set to sit down and have a nice leisurely breakfast and a cup of tea.
It's garbage day . . .   OK,  I collected the garbage last night so it is just a matter of putting it out. Ann Marie is going to "help". (I am going to write a book on HELPERS.  All the "DO'S AND DON'TS")
As we are grabbing garbage Ann notices a bug on the floor. I know it really isn't dead but she attempts to pick it up and off it goes. The chase is on and ends quickly with a smack of my flip flop. Another addition to the garbage.  Now we have to put out the recycling. Ann grabs a container, I grab a container and off we go out the garage door, which I stupidly prop open. Upon our return from the curb  we walk back into the garage in the company of a LARGE lizard that darted through the open door and ran around the garage with Ann Marie chasing it.  I got Ann out of the garage first and then proceeded to HERD the lizard around the garage and back to the door.  It took some doing but finally the little bugger ran back outside.
Now we can move on to getting ready to head out the door to doctor #1.  That went fairly smoothly until they told Ger that the Social Worker wanted to talk with him today. He did good and told them there was no time today, have to wait till tomorrow. Out the door of doctor #1, home to drop off Ann Marie and take a pee break and off to see doctor #2. The Oncologist is ALWAYS running late so we spent 2 hours there before we had to run off to see doctor #3.

It is now 4:30 in the afternoon, we have not had a moment to ourselves and now it is time to start dinner.      IF   the pool boy doesn't interrupt us with a problem with the pool because our resident raccoon pooped in the pool yesterday so we have to add lots of chemicals to counter act THAT MESS.

Do you know what I would give for just one day ALONE without having to think, schedule, plan, cook, clean or worry ?     Maybe Saturday!

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