I do like to zoom. Zoom as in going fast in a car or on my little side-by-siide, (which can reach a top speed of about 20 miles an hour. But it seems much faster.) I just came in from zooming around the property checking it out for the night. Critters are fed, garbage has been taken out and the mail has been brought in. I even took the 6 one gallon jugs of water to put on my plants out by the apple trees and in the tree stumps. I am zooming . . .
I planted impatiens by the wagon wheel out by the other driveway and the rabbit is really enjoying them. But I continue to water them with hopes that the rabbit will forget they are there. HA! The big tree stumps have marigolds growing out of them and they look great. We planted some marigolds there last year and they reseeded themselves. Apparently Marigolds can live anywhere. I have proof of that with all the marigolds growing out of the foundation of the house. And The Man wonders why we have water in the cellar.
But now I am done with MY zooming and am ready to sit and tell you about The Man's zooming.A couple of weeks ago The Man got an email from his military banking institution. It told him that they were having a "Zoom" meeting on this date at 6:00 PM. The session would be about Senior finances, investing and wills. The Man got all excited about the seminar and signed up to be included in the session. Meanwhile The Man does not have a working computer but he thought he could join on his phone or tablet. I said NOTHING ! He was all happy with himself so who am I to burst his bubble. The fact that he and I went to one of these meetings about 6 years ago and learned NOTHING that pertained to us did not enter into his mind. We both have all our finances and investments and wills in order so why would you waste your time listening to another spiel that will undoubtedly want to sell you something ?? I have no interest in wasting 2 hours listening to someone going on about finances when I can be sitting out here under my maple tree keeping cool and writing my blog. AND being eaten by mosquitos. It's still cooler out here than it is in the house. (The Man is very stingy with his Air Conditioning.)
Anyway . . . Six O'clock arrived and The Man was ready to zoom . . . NOT !! I knew this would become my problem and sure enough it did. First he didn't know what to do with the email that he got saying the zoom would begin in an hour. (That was sent at 5:00) He handed me the phone and waited for me to get him all set up. Now I can do a lot on my computer but on his phone is another story. I had no idea where to start so I just did what I always do . . . start pushing buttons and clicking on anything and everything on the phone screen. NOTHING !! He is sitting right next to me watching my every move and telling me not to mess up his phone. I asked him if he wanted the camera activated on his phone and he wanted to know why. I explained that Zoom was a video call. He wanted no part of that ! I did not ask why we were doing this if he wasn't going to participate in the group. He said NOTHING! In the end I could not figure out how to get into this mess so The Man decided he really wasn't interested in the seminar anyway and went back to watching TV.
It is now 45 minutes since the whole debacle and I am still thinking about how to get into a zoom call on his phone. Does he care in the least? NO ! So why is it still in my head ? I have decided that the entire issue came from his lousy internet connection and his cheap phone. Whatever . . .