Monday, July 15, 2024


Do you know what God's biggest joke is ?  The internet and all the technology that goes with it.  Who the hell ever thought that computers were the solution to all the world's problems?  Who ever thought that cell phones and internet connections and all this other crap was a good idea?  

We all are guilty of that.  Just like the discovery of electricity, the telephone and cars changed the world for the better(?) computers were supposed to make our lives easier.  Remember the lie about how many trees will be saved now that we have computers so nothing need be written down on paper.  When was the last time you were at a doctors office and they handed you 400 forms to fill out?  Try and tell them that all that information is in their computer because you registered on line.  They just smile and say, "We still need you to fill out these forms."  WHY ?????  Forty of those forms are about your information being secure. Do you honestly give a rats bottom who knows about your toe fungus?  I sure don't care.

I have been computer less for a couple of weeks and it has been nothing but total aggravation.  I had a rebuilt one for a while but that turned out to be a dud.  I finally just said the hell with it and bought myself a new MacBook Air which I am using right now.  So far so good as far as blogging goes but I can NOT figure out how to get all my "very important" information out of the cloud and into my computer.   

I started out by following the tutorial on the computer but some how got "voiceover" on so that now very single letter that I type. I have a guy with a Scottish accent yelling out that letter.  "C' , "A", "T", "H" and so on and so on.  It is terribly annoying and I can't figure out how to shut him up !!   I finally gave up on that and just turned off the sound so I can type in peace. 

From there I moved on to trying to get this computer to search The Cloud and find all my information, pictures, contacts etc. and suck them from The Cloud and into my new computer.  Well that isn't going well either.  No matter what password I put in, (and I have many), The Cloud refuses to recognize me.I feel I should go out into the field and wave my arms at the sky while shouting, "Hey Cloud,  Its ME !!!!   It keeps telling me I have the wrong email address or password so it will not connect.  The fact that we have the worlds WORST internet here on the farm is not helping the matter.  By the time the computer takes in what I have typed and connects to our internet which is then going to connect us to The Cloud everyone has fallen asleep.  I keep getting the message that an "error has occurred".  NO SHIT !!!  And that's where it stops.  I have tired EVERYTHING to get this done but it looks like I need to make an appointment with the computer guy to help me get this set up.   I have none of my pictures and none of my contacts.  I can't get into my email account and I don't dare try to go into my credit card or bank account for fear that there is an evil leprechaun just waiting in The Cloud to steal my identity.

BUT . . . . I CAN BLOG !!!

Over the past couple of weeks there have been so many times that I could have written pages, more often than not it was about The Man but of course I didn't write down anything so now I can't remember any of my ideas.  But fear not, Living with The Man is a constant source or material so you can expect more stories from this end of the world.  I hope I can brighten someone's day . . .  Especially my BFF'S sister Carol who is not feeling well.  

Everything is better if you can laugh. 

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