We had a lovely lunch with Bridget today. K&B are under a lot of stress this week as they get ready to travel to the Ukraine. Today Bridget needed an afternoon out in the beautiful sunshine. Off we all went for a drive outside of Windsor to visit The Windsor Farm. This is a farm stand, gift shop, tea room just outside the walls of Windsor Castle out in the country. All the produce and meats that are sold come from the castle farm. Ger and I WILL return there to shop for veggies and meat. The products were wonderfully fresh and the prices were great. Bridget, Ger and I had lunch there and it was delightful.
And then Abby came home . . . last night, just as we were finishing dinner and Abby was getting ready for bed, Abby anounced that she had something up her nose. Bridget's reaction was exactly the same on that I would have had when my children were 5, "Abby, why didn't you say something earlier today?" To which Abby replied "I don know." Abby then informed her parents that she thought they should take her to the hospital that Grandma went to so the doctors could get the thing out of her nose. She also told her parents that she had put a plant up her nose some time during the day. Kyle's soulution to this was a quick look with a flash light and after seeing nothing, a bath. In the bath Abby could go under water, blow some bubbles out of her nose and that would be that. Abby took a bath, went to bed, got up this morning, went to school and no more mention was made of the "thing" in her nose. UNTIL . . . Abby came home today and was told she had to come inside to read the 3 books that she never read yesterday. Suddenly the "thing in her nose" began to bother her. Next thing she and mom took off for the hospital. (We were happy with this decision because we didn't want a problem next week when K&B were gone.) Two hours later the girls were home again, minus one LARGE piece of plant from Abby's left nostral. Poor kid DID have something up there after all. Seems she takes after her dad who stuffed a pebble up his nose when he was 2. She aparently was a trooper and let the 2 EMT'S remove a piece of who know's what without so much as a "Bloody Hell" that the rest of us would have been yelling. (But then I guess we wouldn't have shoved a plant up there in the first place.)
What a day! My heart goes out to K&B for all they are dealing with this week and then a trip to the hospital besides. When it rains it pours. Even though the sun was shinning all day and it was just amazingly beautiful outside.
A plant? I have so much to learn... kids just actually shove random pieces of whatever in open orifices? Oy. I'm glad she's okay!