Monday, June 28, 2010

Stupid Country

This is one really messed up place to live. K&B seem to be enjoying it but I am DONE with England. Give me the good old US of A any day.
It is 32 degrees . . . Celsius that is. To figure out the temperature we have to divide by 5, multiply by 9 and then add 32. Got that? All that to find out that it is freaking H O T and there is not an air conditioner in the entire country! (Not only do we not have air conditioning, half the windows are painted shut so you can't even open them with the hope of a breeze.) I live in South Florida, I know HOT. I love the summers in Florida when all the tourists and snow birds are gone and we have our roads, beaches and restaurants to ourselves. All of which are made bearable by AIR CONDITIONING. Yes, even the beaches are air conditioned by Mother Nature and those wonderful summer breezes. But this silly ass country goes from freezing one month to broiling the next with no comfortable heating or air conditioning to help you survive. And seeing how EVERY BODY walks here because the roads are insanely too small and congested and constantly going in freaking circles, I am dying of the heat. My feet hurt, my body has lost 300% of it's natural fluids and yet it continues to swell to ungodly proportions. My feet look like my daughter-in-law Kristen's who is 8 months pregnant. And forget sleep . . . How do you sleep when the sun doesn't set till 10PM and then is up again at 4AM ? Even the birds have bags under their eyes.
I have hit a slump and am missing home. K&B know how I feel cause they are still in the Ukraine and missing home also. I always used to tell Ger that I would never get tired of being on vacation . . . I lied.
But this too shall pass and I am offering it up to God. I am just hitting a down day and know that by tomorrow or the next day I will be feeling totally different about being away from home. It has been a fantastic opportunity to be with Abby. I keep thinking how very blessed we are to have this chance to be here with her. As her grandparent's O'Connell pointed out, we are making memories. I just would rather the memories were of the Bahamas and not hot, old England.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel, I miss the good ole USA too. I want a cheeseburger soooo bad.
