Remember those days when the phrase "LONG WEEKEND" sent chills up your spine because you knew there were endless possibilities for the days ahead. Well that's NOT what I'm talking about. In this instance the term "LONG WEEKEND" means, "OH DEAR GOD WILL MONDAY NEVER GET HERE?" Ah Yes . . . this was the first FULL weekend with Abby. MuM & Da are still in the Ukraine and getting closer to "A" Day when they really will get to adopt Roman. They still have at least a week in the Ukraine and they are missing Abby terribly. But NOT nearly as much as we are missing them ! Don't get me wrong, we adore our 5 year old grand daughter and love her to pieces and are doing very well as surrogate parents, but GOOD GOD, the weekend was endless. First and foremost you must remember once again that Grandma is "The Queen of Sleep". Abby is the "Queen of Early Birds". During the week, no problem . . . Abby has school, Abby gets up, Grandma and Grandpa get up, Abby goes to school and GM & GP return home to nap half the morning. NOT SO on the weekend. Abby gets up, EVERYONE gets up and STAYS up . . . ALL DAY ! Once again let me remind you, I love Abby but she is not a child who will entertain herself especially when she knows grandma is a sucker and can't say "NO".
Saturday was spent pretending. We went from being bunnies in a forest to kids in a class. We set up "house" (nest, den, class, etc) in every room of the house. And YES, that includes 2 of the 4 bathrooms. Cooking was the only thing that got Abby away from her games so we had about seven meals on Saturday. Abby FINALLY went to bed at 8, Grandma went to bed at 8:20. Thus no blog yesterday.
Today, Sunday was MUCH better. Even though my little Early Bird jumped into bed with me at 7:06 AM the day was GREAT! (Another HOT day here but the nights are almost cold so sleeping is wonderful.) We made pancakes for breakfast with blueberry eyes, a strawberry nose and whip cream mouth. Then it was time for church and a drive to the leisure center to swim. Abby understood that GM couldn't ride the slide because my arm is still not right and GP won't ride the slide cause he is chicken. So off the 5 year old went, up the huge set of stairs to the top of the building to ride the slides alone. 3 hours later we left to go to the small (as in minuscule) amusement park just down the river.(See pictures) We needed an ice cream (don't tell mom and dad!) for energy to ride the motorcycles, tea cups, train and swans. She had a ball and was so happy to run from one ride to another. (Sorry K&B but your daughter now knows that those rides at the stores MOVE! You just have to put money into them!) After rides there was a short interlude of feeding the swans in the river and then a drive home by way of Prince Albert Pub for dinner. (And a well earned beer for GM & GP.)
Ger is asleep already and I am soon to follow. Abby conked out at 8 tonight and hopefully will be fresh and full of life for school tomorrow. Ger and I already are planning out tomorrow. It goes something like NAP, LUNCH, NAP. I think we can manage that for the next 5 days before we get to another weekend.
There is a reason why you had your children while you were young. Even my early birds learned to sleep once they became teens - I am lucky if they are up before 9 on non-school days.
ReplyDeleteHey- I get up at 5:30 every morning now, BY MYSELF! No alarm clock needed.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog! It's so funny, I'm laughing all of the time!