Happy Father's Day from England. Abby's daddy and mom are in the Ukraine at the moment so the day was a celebration for Abby and Grandpa. As you can see they had a great time celebrating and there was cake!
K&B left early this morning for their trip to Kiev. Abby, Grandpa and I drove them to the bus stop for a bus to the airport. I offered to drive them to the airport but they felt the bus stop was enough of a challenge for my new driving experiences. It just happened there was a Mac Donalds at the bus stop so we said our "good-byes" and went in for breakfast. It was a painless separation for both parents and child. Abby told us she was sad but then scarffed down 2 pancakes, half of Ger's sausage and a hot chocolate. After that it was home to bake banana bread and then off to mass, a stop at the play ground by church and a trip to Tesco, the grocery store. Home again for lunch, (which included some very fine banana bread with cream cheese) and a DVD for a quiet afternoon rest. Dinner was a roast chicken with stuffing AND mashed potatoes because Abby didn't know if she liked stuffing but knew she liked mashed potatoes. ((She didn't even want to try the stuffing once she saw the potatoes.) By this time we were all a little silly and once the cake came out there was no holding Grandpa and his girl.
We had a lovely day and heard from K&B to let us know they had a good trip and were
settled into their apartment for their 3 day stay in Kiev. There is another couple from the same adoption agency also staying in the "hotel" and they were all meeting up for dinner. K&B seemed pleasantly surprised at the city and their accommodations. Hopefully they will get some good information from the other couple and by their court date on Tuesday will have relaxed enough to enjoy their adventure. Wednesday they are supposed to fly to the area where Romans orphanage is and then finally get to see Roman again for the first time since January. They will be in touch with us every afternoon so we will keep you up to date on how they are doing.
As for Abby, Ger and I . . . we are doing fantastic for the first 15 hours and we are looking forward to a great 2 weeks.
Love to all you dads ! Hope you enjoyed your day as much as we did.
I'm so glad that everything has gone off without a hitch so far! yay!!