Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Yesterday's Blog Today

After a good nights sleep and a full day of sleep I hope to battle the mini computer and get this blog written AND posted. Yes, I did say a "FULL DAY OF SLEEP" . . .Today while Abby was at school I slept from 10:30am to 2pm when Ger woke me. Being the "Queen of Sleep", as husband calls me, I have been going into shock with these full days, early mornings (7am is Ungodly for me), late nights, (because the sun does not go down till after 10pm so you just don't even think about going to bed until then). We have been "On the go" every day until today when I just wanted to STOP! Abby slept until 7:10am, we played in bed for 20 minutes until we were all awake enough to go down and have some breakfast. Then it was make lunch, get dressed, check the swim kit,(bag) to make sure Abby had her swim suit, hat, towel and goggles, brush teeth, comb hair, put on sun block lotion and head off to school. Today Abby road her scooter rather than her bike and we had a mishap about 1/2 way to school. Ger and I both thought this was going to be a trauma but after a few tears and a wipe of the slightly skinned knees we were off and riding again. She is a trooper! Today Abby's school started a weekly swim program where the kids are bussed to the near by leisure (recreation) center for swim lessons. Abby is a water rat and has been swimming in deep water and going off diving boards for a couple of years now. She said she was the best in the class today and was the only one who was told, "Well Done". To celebrate we went to Mac Donald for dinner and even had an ice cream cone. She was exhausted tonight so we were very glad there was no reading homework. Which brings me to the topic of yesterday's blog . . .
From the time that Abby arrive in England in early April to now she has learned to read! Each day she brings home a book from the class room and has to read it to us for home work. Do you remember learning to read with Dick, Jane and Spot? Well, Abby has MUM, KIPPER AND PIP. "Mum makes a dress. Kipper makes a lorry. (We gathered from the picture that a lorry is a truck.) Mum and Kipper make a mess." When was the last time you met someone named KIPPER ? But the child is learning to read so who's to worry that she won't be able to recognize names like Jasmin and Bubba when she returns to Atlanta.
And as for me and my sleep . . . I am a new woman after the total of 13 hours sleep in the last 24 hours. This is what I am used to and all these days of "going" combined with the constant sneezing from hay fever had caught up to me and I just couldn't go another step. But like Abby and her scooter today I am now ready to get back on and keep going.

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