Monday, October 1, 2012


While Ger continues to loose weight guess who is gaining . . . .   Poor Ger just hasn't gotten a handle on this whole cancer thing and his weight is dropping.  The doctors tell him to EXPERIMENT !
Do they know who they are talking to ?  This is the man who doesn't eat things because they SOUND funny.  And they want him to experiment !
I cannot tell you how very frustrating this is for me.  I have wonderful resources and yet I just can't hit upon the right food and drink at the right time. Thanks to my man having such a limited menu of things he will eat on a good day things really get limited now that he is feeling "OFF".
The medications prescribed by the doctors are wonderful.  We have things to increase an appetite but Ger feels nauseous.  We have medications that will get rid of the nausea but then Ger won't take them because he doesn't feel nauseous, just a little gassy.  We have medications for gas but Ger won't take them because he doesn't want to drink anything. We have . . . .   are you getting the picture here?

I made a chocolate shake for the man this  morning but it didn't taste good. (Chocolate usually doesn't taste good when you are queasy but that is what he wanted.) Heaven forbid I should throw food away so I am drinking the "protein enriched" chocolate shake.  I made a different shake and I think he was afraid to say he didn't like that one so he IS drinking it.

I made a half of a ham sandwich because that is what he wanted. But he is only eating a quarter of it because he has already filled up on the shake. ( I swear I tried to give him the shake AFTER the sandwich but because the first on didn't taste right he waited to see how the second one would be and then chugged it because he really didn't like it either.) I can either put the quarter of a sandwich in a zip loc bag so it can sit in the fridge with the quarter of a chicken sandwich from last week or I can stuff it in my face. Want to guess where it will end up?

I have shopped for and cooked all sorts of food trying to entice Ger to eat but it just isn't working.  The TWO refrigerators are over flowing with food that I keep eating but so far nothing is appealing to poor Ger. If I would take my lead from him and only eat what he is eating I will be as skinny as anything but unfortunately I am of the generation of "Starving children in China" so I can't let a left over get past my mouth and into the garbage.

God really is playing a good joke on us.  And I can still see the humor in it !

P.S.    For my BFF who is going to visit her sister for the week . . . .  HAVE A SAFE TRIP and do a lot of laughing.  I'll try to supply you with some funny stuff.  Love you both !

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