Friday, December 28, 2012


Merry Christmas!   It was a great holiday with family here, lots of food, drink and fun.
At least I thought there was a lot of food.

Tonight Ger and I were going to have a nice quiet dinner of LEFTOVERS. There was a spiral ham. Half of a turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy. Plenty of vegetables and even some yummy sandwiches from Publix that we bought to have for lunch today with our nephew and his kids who came to visit.

When I went to the fridge to start digging out the goodies I only found a bunch of vegetables along with the turkey and ham.  NO STUFFING!  NO MASHED POTATOES! NO GRAVY!  What's going on here ? Where are all the fixings that go along with the turkey and ham? Turkey without gravy is just not acceptable.  Might as well just eat cardboard.

I decided to fall back on my second string dinner and have one of  the sandwiches that were left from lunch. Care to guess what was also missing?  So now my choices are PLAIN TURKEY, PLAIN HAM AND SOME VEGGIES.

Either my kids think I need to diet or . . .  I honestly don't know what they were thinking. I told them to take some leftovers home but this is too much!  I mean, if you are going to take food at least take the damn vegetables too!

I guess I'll have some peanut butter.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


No, I did not mean "Ger on THE pot", as in toilet . . .  I mean Ger on POT . . .  as in marijuana, weed, cannabis, POT !  Life is just not fair ! For the past 50 years I have wanted POT, or Zanax, or Valium or ANYTHING that will help me get through each day. And WHO is the one who gets the Happy Stuff? HUSBAND!  He is the reason I need something and the doctor goes and gives him drugs. It is NOT fair!

We went to the oncologist on Tuesday for the next to the last chemo treatment. When we met with the doctor she told Ger he did not look well. He looked, "Under the weather". Which I agreed with! This past month of chemo was not a good one for H. He never regained his appetite or energy. He continued to look pale and washed out. In spite of his doing nothing he has no energy. OR, COULD IT BE ? BECAUSE of his doing nothing he has no energy or appetite? The man spends ALL day sitting in his chair in front of the TV and sleeps.  I realize how this is possible because it is my fondest dream to some day have time to sit and do nothing. If you don't move, you don't expend energy. If you don't expend energy you don't need to eat to refuel. And so it goes.

ANYWAY, Doctor V asked Ger if he would like some marijuana.  You should have seen the look on Ger's face! I wish I had my camera ready because the expression of SHOCK was priceless. I am sure Ger's mother rolled in her grave! The thought of Ger on Pot is the most ridiculous thought ever. This is MR> Perfect who NEVER smoked, did drugs, missed mass, or said the "F" word. He should have been a priest. And now some doctor is suggesting he take pot? What is the world coming to?
I quickly raised my hand and offered to take the pot instead but that wasn't an option. The doctor explained that there is a pill, made from an extract of marijuana, that when taken will increase your appetite. (That is the last thing I need) We talked Ger into the idea that this is a good pill to take and so now we have a 30 day supply.

Once we got through the insurance company, "will they, won't they" pay for this $300 pill, we got Ger started on this medicine on Thursday evening. I read all the facts but did not share them with H because if he knew it would make him light headed and give him a "feel good" sense of well being he would not take the pill. (He really is a tight ass about some things.) He took a pill around 6:00 and then went to bed at 8:30. I came into the bedroom around 9 and there lay H, eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling. I asked him if he was OK. He told me he was fine. I asked what he was doing and he told me, " I am waiting to see what these pills are going to do. Do you think they are working?" From the size of his pupils I think they had definitely kicked in! I told him they would probably take a few hours to work so he should just go to sleep.

The pills are working too well.  I haven't gotten out of the kitchen for more than an hour or two. Unfortunately Mr. Munchie does not cook for himself so he his constantly asking me to make something for him.

 Seriously, LIFE IS NOT FAIR !

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


CHRISTMAS . . .   time for every preschool, nursery school and day care center in the country to get producing that Christmas Pageant. And behold the children came in costumes and told the story of Baby Jesus being born in a manger.

Sounds delightful doesn't it? Well, let me tell you about the second "Wise Man" who came from the East. But I'm getting ahead of myself . . . .

Yesterday afternoon I brought Ger home from his latest chemo treatment, got him settled with dinner in the fridge, quick changed my clothes and headed down to Pompano Beach to go with Kent and Kristen to Smith's day care center's SHOW. This was no little 5 kid production. The room where we were seated was the size of a wedding reception complete with 44 tables of ten. (We were seated at at table 42 way in the back because our "child" is in the youngest group performing and only on stage for a very short time.) There is also the fact that at two years old the kids don't have a clue as to what the heck is going on, even with days of practice.
The tickets were bought by Kent, we dropped off Smith in his classroom at 6 PM only to have him in tears because he had just left school and hour and a half earlier and no way wanted to return this quickly. We can only assume the tears ended quickly because when it was time for his classes debut he was fine.

Up stairs we all went to find our seats and 45 minutes later the show began. First up were the three year old classes singing three different songs. Anyone who has ever worked with children will know this is no easy feat. But SING they did! At the TOP OF THEIR LUNGS! Never, ever have I heard kids sing that loud. I don't know what they were told but boy oh boy they were Great !  Watching them perform is most of the fun. There is always the one kid who puts his heart and soul and body into his performance and sure enough this group had one. Top row, left side, I thought the kid was going to fling himself off the stage. It was great!

Next came the four year old's acting out the story of the Nativity. The angels came in first. Mary and Joseph walked up the aisle and onto the stage accompanied by the singing angels. The animals arrived next followed by the shepherds with their sheep. This was IT ! Time for all the two year olds to CRAWL down the aisle dressed in their sheep costumes. The shepherds herded those little guys right up onto the the stage only to have the "chorus" break into the sheep songs where the chorus was BAA'ed out by all the little sheep. BA  BA  BA
I was rolling on the floor laughing. It was probably the most adorable, hysterical thing I have seen in a long time.

But it wasn't over.  The sheep were quickly herded off the stage and back down to their classroom because you know how quickly two year old sheep can start to wander off.
Once the sheep departed the scene it was time for the 3 Wise Men to arrive. Down the aisle came three of the most adorable 4 year olds dressed in the finest of robes and crowns. Wise man One and Three were doing great. Poor number Two lost it some where half way down the aisle and started sobbing and saying. "I'm sorry mommy, I just can't do it!"  The poor kid just kept repeating this over and over as he climbed onto the stage and stood in front of his very own microphone. (Just in case anyone had missed what the poor kid was saying he got to have it broadcast nice and loud. ) Wise man Three very wisely advised #2 to just stand there and not say anything but Two was so distraught all he could do was beg his mom's forgiveness. (Can you picture the scene at home for the past 2 weeks trying to talk this kid into playing this part?) It was the most  pitiful thing to have to watch. How mom refrained from running up and grabbing her son to comfort him is beyond me.

All in all it was quite the evening and well worth the ride. I am so glad I went and will remember this night for quite some time. I look forward to Smith moving up through the grades and perhaps getting to play one of the wise men in years to come. I know he would ace the part!
Dressing the sheep in long johns and black socks

Smith did not like socks on his hands

Two year old sheep class

This kid was just a riot! 

The stage


Friday, December 14, 2012


I was out today driving home from some chores and got "caught" by the draw bridge over the inter coastal waterway. Gee, I was forced to turn off my car and sit for 10 minutes in the bright sunshine watching a silly white ibis walking around to all the cars like a little pan handler. I'm not sure what the bird wanted but he stopped at every car as if to ask for a snack or a ride. I laughed to myself at the thought of opening my car door and having this bird hop in. But the traffic started up before I had a chance to act on my thoughts. Probably a good thing!

Most often when I get caught by the bridge it is with Ger in the car and he gets quite fidgety sitting still without a TV screen to stare at.  I LOVE it when I am able to STOP and watch the world go by. Especially this time of the year. It is CRAZY down here with all the "Snow Birds" racing around as if they were still in NY or Jersey.  They haven't learned yet to SLOW DOWN and enjoy the beauty of the area.

Today is 78 degrees, BRIGHT sun shine, a lovely cool breeze and it is the middle of December! WHAT, (I must ask once again) IS NOT TO LOVE ?  Just recently someone from Maine asked me how I could possibly celebrate Christmas without it being cold. DUH DUH DUH !  Think about it! Christmas is not snow. Christmas is not cold. The first Christmas took place in the heat of Bethlehem. All you folks who NEED the cold to feel like Christmas have it backwards.
And besides, Christmas comes from your heart not from the weather.

In spite of the horrific news story today of Innocent little children at school in Connecticut being murdered by some poor misguided soul we know that the world IS a good place and God has our back no matter what is thrown at us. Say a prayer for those poor families who are involved in the tragedy. Pray that they will realize they are not alone and that God does indeed love them and is there to hold them and help them to get through this horror.  But also stop to thank God that you are blessed with family, friends, and with God's love. Take five to think about how blessed you really are and then say a prayer for those who can't see the blessings they do have.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


The month of December is the only month in the year that I look forward to getting the mail. Usually this job goes to Husband because, . . .  well, he has nothing else to do so at least he will get a little exercise walking out to the mail box and back.  These days he has been quite frustrated because our regular mail man has been replaced by "some woman" who is not delivering our mail until almost 6:00 PM.  "Huff, puff, huff",  and many other sounds of indignation come from H as he makes two or three trips out to see if the mail has arrived yet. FINALLY he hits pay dirt when he finds the box stuffed to over flowing with mail.  Most of the mail is junk, as usual. BUT, because it is Christmas season there are some Christmas cards and even a small package every now and then. H loves to bring the mail in, sit in his comfy chair and tear (literally) into the envelopes.  I get a large pile of opened mail that H thinks I might like or need to see and the rest goes to the recycle bin. 

Most times that is just fine with me but in December there are all sorts of greetings from friends, old and new. You just never know who is going to have sent a holiday greeting along with . . .  do I dare hope . . . . a CHRISTMAS LETTER!  Now over the years the Christmas Letter has gotten quite a bum rap. I remember one year sitting with my nieces and nephews laughing at the "family" Christmas letter. They would compare Aunt So and So with Uncle What's his name's letters and find great amusement in tearing apart all the boasting about family in each letter. Who could out do Whom in listing the amazing accomplishments of the children in each family. And since we pretty much saw each other on a regular basis everyone knew what their cousins were really up to. 

But Christmas letters aren't for those folks who we see every month or so. They are for those friends and family who we only get to talk to or see every couple of years. They really do want to know what we and our children are doing. And in return I want to know what they have doing. I am all for Christmas letters. You can laugh at them, in fact I hope you do, and you can also take those few minutes to remember times past when you were part of our lives and might even have made it into one of my Christmas writings. 

This year I sent out our annual letter filled with the good and the bad of this past year. Included in the greeting was a family photo that always makes me smile. I sent the cards out to the usual list of folks and then added one more name to my list. Cousin Johnny, who I have not seen or spoken with in YEARS!  Johnny was ALWAYS my favorite cousin. I think as a child I had planned on marrying cousin Johnny when I grew up. Being eleven years older than me I am sure he found this quite amusing.  His dad was my mother's oldest brother and as we came to find out much later in life, Johnny's father was an abusive dad and husband. John has 2 sisters with whom I have kept in close touch all my life. (When your family consists of 6 people, 5 cousins and myself, you tend to keep up on relationships with them.)  Just recently John's oldest sister, Lucille, told me she was in contact with her "little brother". (There had been some drama years ago and Johnny fell out of favor with his family. That was when I lost track of him.) But now that we are all growing older and hopefully wiser Lucille had renewed contact with her brother and would fill me in on how he was doing. While Lucille and I have migrated to Florida, John and his wife are actually living in his boyhood home in NY. I still had that old address in one of my address books so I took a leap and sent my favorite cousin a Christmas card, letter and photo. 

Today I got the mail!  And what a perfect day for me to be the one to bring it in. I went out to tie a red bow on the mail box and there was today's delivery. And it wasn't even three o'clock !  As I walked in I sorted through the pile and there was a card from my "Long Lost Cousin", John. I stopped everything I was doing to sit down and read his 3 page letter. BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT EVER !  He started his note with a "Good to hear from you" and a reference to feeling like the "Prodigal Son". All I know is I have found my favorite cousin again and I couldn't be happier!

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Some one is trying to get our attention!  This is getting rather crazy and Ger and I really don't know who wants to get in touch with us from "Beyond" but it is pretty evident to me that there is a spirit out there who wants us to pay attention to something. Ger scoffs! I believe! All we do know is things are weird !

I think I had written about the  incident about a month or so ago when Ger and I were sound asleep at 2 something AM when all of a sudden the TV in our bedroom turned on. WE DO NOT HAVE A REMOTE for this TV so that isn't the simple answer. WE very seldom use this TV. I will sometimes come into the bedroom when I have had enough of FOX NEWS and can't stand another minute, and put in a DVD to watch. Other than that we almost never turn on this old clunker of a fat TV. It is ancient, no HDTV, no other bells and whistles. Just a plain old TV. And yet we were both woken from a sound sleep to the talking of some show at 2 in the morning. Ger and I both didn't have a clue what was happening. We both sat up looking around for what ever was making the noise and realized it was the TV set. Magically turned on ALL BY ITSELF!  Naturally Ger couldn't figure out how to turn it off so I had to get up and find the off button and back to sleep we went.  I wondered at that time who was trying to contact us but then forgot all about it.

Until last night at 2 something AM when Ger and I both woke up to the sound of running water. I was still half asleep when Ger asked me what was happening.  He then got up and shut of the water in our bathroom sink and we both went back to sleep. The thing is we had both gotten ready for bed around 10PM. Brushed teeth and then lay in bed for about an hour reading. THERE WAS NO WATER RUNNING WHEN WE WENT TO SLEEP AT 11.  I am super tuned into noise and smell in my house. I can tell you when the milk has gone sour before I open the fridge. I can tell you from our kitchen when Ger has left the hose on out in the garden. I hear all the sounds that are not supposed to be. BUT last night I SWEAR the water in the sink was OFF when we went to sleep. HOW DID IT TURN ITSELF ON AT SOMETHING AFTER 2 AM ??

I think there is a spirit trying to get in touch.  Maybe it is my guardian angel who I have been driving nuts lately begging for calm and serenity so I won't beat my husband to death. But what is this angel trying to tell me? Maybe he is trying to tell me where the bat is to beat said husband.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Major Big Time disappointed !  I thought I could squeeze in a quick trip to Maryland to see the grand kids for a couple of days . . .  NOT !  What was I thinking?  Silly me thinking I could escape "care giver" mode and switch into Grand ma mode for a short amount of time.

Ger had chemo last week.  His next chemo is on the 18th so I had it all figured out that I could fly up to Maryland on the 12th, bring all the Christmas gifts with me, spend some quality time with Kaelin and Finn and their parents and be home on the Sunday before the next chemo. Trouble is H can't come with me because of all the germs you encounter on planes and in airports and from little children.  I can't go alone because I have to give H his shot every day. H says he could probably give himself the shot
"IF HE HAD TO" (insert very sad face here with very whinny voice.) But when you get right down to it the man can't remember if he got dressed, shaved or peed so how do I expect he would remember to give himself a shot? Never mind the actual logistics of piercing himself with a needle.  The opportunities for disaster are endless so we won't even consider that possibility.

You probably think I make half these things up regarding Ger's inability to manage on his own but anyone who has ever spent time with the man knows I am not kidding.

And so I will have to wait till the end of March to see my little loves. Sad but true! And I am REALLY bummed over it.  I sure could use a Kaelin fix right about now. I'm feeling over whelmed and in need of a break from all this care giving crap.  I guess I will have to settle for a good night's sleep in my comfy bed in Florida where the weather is fantastic and my life is actually blessed. So get over it and count my blessings and be thankful for all I DO have.

Thanks for letting me work this out . . .  it always helps to talk to a friend.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


As I sit here listening to my grand daughter Kaelin making a video for Grand pa I am aware of the fact that I have to type fast to get this written and get out of the bed room before H goes to sleep. (Kaelin made a video for Grand pa and sent it to his IPAD. Keri is in the back ground giving Kaelin ideas of what to include but she is pretty much not needed.  Kaelin is dancing her way through her house showing Grand pa pretty much EVERYTHING!) It is a priceless work of art that we will cherish for quite some time and then possibly use as black mail when Kaelin and Finn get older.

But enough about the adorable grand kids . . .  it is 8:30 on a Saturday night and H is in bed ready for sleep! What has my life become????  As Sharon told me yesterday when I called her for a sanity check, it is about time I started to crack. AND, more important, "How can I possibly get mad at the man? After all, HE HAS CANCER!" Yea, that freaking cancer card keeps popping up when ever I am about to lose my mind and smack the man up side his head.

Aside from going to bed at 8 and getting up at 10 the man is not doing much these days. WE (Ger) had his fourth chemo treatment on Tuesday and he is feeling rather yucky. Now before you get feeling all sad and bad for the man please ask him WHY he is feeling yucky. Well, he had chemo right? Yep, AND . . .  does he have pills that he is supposed to take after chemo to keep him from feeling yucky???
THAT WOULD BE A YES,YES, YES, AND YES!  Has he taken the pills that are given to him to keep him from feeling yucky?????  THAT WOULD BE A NO, NO, NO, AND NO!!!!!
Am I allowed to get irritated with the man? Am I allowed to want to smack him up side his stupid head?  Sure, but I won't because the poor guy has cancer.

All these drugs for nausea, fatigue, aches and pains and they still can't cure STUPID!