Friday, December 28, 2012


Merry Christmas!   It was a great holiday with family here, lots of food, drink and fun.
At least I thought there was a lot of food.

Tonight Ger and I were going to have a nice quiet dinner of LEFTOVERS. There was a spiral ham. Half of a turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy. Plenty of vegetables and even some yummy sandwiches from Publix that we bought to have for lunch today with our nephew and his kids who came to visit.

When I went to the fridge to start digging out the goodies I only found a bunch of vegetables along with the turkey and ham.  NO STUFFING!  NO MASHED POTATOES! NO GRAVY!  What's going on here ? Where are all the fixings that go along with the turkey and ham? Turkey without gravy is just not acceptable.  Might as well just eat cardboard.

I decided to fall back on my second string dinner and have one of  the sandwiches that were left from lunch. Care to guess what was also missing?  So now my choices are PLAIN TURKEY, PLAIN HAM AND SOME VEGGIES.

Either my kids think I need to diet or . . .  I honestly don't know what they were thinking. I told them to take some leftovers home but this is too much!  I mean, if you are going to take food at least take the damn vegetables too!

I guess I'll have some peanut butter.

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