Saturday, December 8, 2012


Some one is trying to get our attention!  This is getting rather crazy and Ger and I really don't know who wants to get in touch with us from "Beyond" but it is pretty evident to me that there is a spirit out there who wants us to pay attention to something. Ger scoffs! I believe! All we do know is things are weird !

I think I had written about the  incident about a month or so ago when Ger and I were sound asleep at 2 something AM when all of a sudden the TV in our bedroom turned on. WE DO NOT HAVE A REMOTE for this TV so that isn't the simple answer. WE very seldom use this TV. I will sometimes come into the bedroom when I have had enough of FOX NEWS and can't stand another minute, and put in a DVD to watch. Other than that we almost never turn on this old clunker of a fat TV. It is ancient, no HDTV, no other bells and whistles. Just a plain old TV. And yet we were both woken from a sound sleep to the talking of some show at 2 in the morning. Ger and I both didn't have a clue what was happening. We both sat up looking around for what ever was making the noise and realized it was the TV set. Magically turned on ALL BY ITSELF!  Naturally Ger couldn't figure out how to turn it off so I had to get up and find the off button and back to sleep we went.  I wondered at that time who was trying to contact us but then forgot all about it.

Until last night at 2 something AM when Ger and I both woke up to the sound of running water. I was still half asleep when Ger asked me what was happening.  He then got up and shut of the water in our bathroom sink and we both went back to sleep. The thing is we had both gotten ready for bed around 10PM. Brushed teeth and then lay in bed for about an hour reading. THERE WAS NO WATER RUNNING WHEN WE WENT TO SLEEP AT 11.  I am super tuned into noise and smell in my house. I can tell you when the milk has gone sour before I open the fridge. I can tell you from our kitchen when Ger has left the hose on out in the garden. I hear all the sounds that are not supposed to be. BUT last night I SWEAR the water in the sink was OFF when we went to sleep. HOW DID IT TURN ITSELF ON AT SOMETHING AFTER 2 AM ??

I think there is a spirit trying to get in touch.  Maybe it is my guardian angel who I have been driving nuts lately begging for calm and serenity so I won't beat my husband to death. But what is this angel trying to tell me? Maybe he is trying to tell me where the bat is to beat said husband.


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