Friday, December 14, 2012


I was out today driving home from some chores and got "caught" by the draw bridge over the inter coastal waterway. Gee, I was forced to turn off my car and sit for 10 minutes in the bright sunshine watching a silly white ibis walking around to all the cars like a little pan handler. I'm not sure what the bird wanted but he stopped at every car as if to ask for a snack or a ride. I laughed to myself at the thought of opening my car door and having this bird hop in. But the traffic started up before I had a chance to act on my thoughts. Probably a good thing!

Most often when I get caught by the bridge it is with Ger in the car and he gets quite fidgety sitting still without a TV screen to stare at.  I LOVE it when I am able to STOP and watch the world go by. Especially this time of the year. It is CRAZY down here with all the "Snow Birds" racing around as if they were still in NY or Jersey.  They haven't learned yet to SLOW DOWN and enjoy the beauty of the area.

Today is 78 degrees, BRIGHT sun shine, a lovely cool breeze and it is the middle of December! WHAT, (I must ask once again) IS NOT TO LOVE ?  Just recently someone from Maine asked me how I could possibly celebrate Christmas without it being cold. DUH DUH DUH !  Think about it! Christmas is not snow. Christmas is not cold. The first Christmas took place in the heat of Bethlehem. All you folks who NEED the cold to feel like Christmas have it backwards.
And besides, Christmas comes from your heart not from the weather.

In spite of the horrific news story today of Innocent little children at school in Connecticut being murdered by some poor misguided soul we know that the world IS a good place and God has our back no matter what is thrown at us. Say a prayer for those poor families who are involved in the tragedy. Pray that they will realize they are not alone and that God does indeed love them and is there to hold them and help them to get through this horror.  But also stop to thank God that you are blessed with family, friends, and with God's love. Take five to think about how blessed you really are and then say a prayer for those who can't see the blessings they do have.

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