No, I did not mean "Ger on THE pot", as in toilet . . . I mean Ger on POT . . . as in marijuana, weed, cannabis, POT ! Life is just not fair ! For the past 50 years I have wanted POT, or Zanax, or Valium or ANYTHING that will help me get through each day. And WHO is the one who gets the Happy Stuff? HUSBAND! He is the reason I need something and the doctor goes and gives him drugs. It is NOT fair!
We went to the oncologist on Tuesday for the next to the last chemo treatment. When we met with the doctor she told Ger he did not look well. He looked, "Under the weather". Which I agreed with! This past month of chemo was not a good one for H. He never regained his appetite or energy. He continued to look pale and washed out. In spite of his doing nothing he has no energy. OR, COULD IT BE ? BECAUSE of his doing nothing he has no energy or appetite? The man spends ALL day sitting in his chair in front of the TV and sleeps. I realize how this is possible because it is my fondest dream to some day have time to sit and do nothing. If you don't move, you don't expend energy. If you don't expend energy you don't need to eat to refuel. And so it goes.
ANYWAY, Doctor V asked Ger if he would like some marijuana. You should have seen the look on Ger's face! I wish I had my camera ready because the expression of SHOCK was priceless. I am sure Ger's mother rolled in her grave! The thought of Ger on Pot is the most ridiculous thought ever. This is MR> Perfect who NEVER smoked, did drugs, missed mass, or said the "F" word. He should have been a priest. And now some doctor is suggesting he take pot? What is the world coming to?
I quickly raised my hand and offered to take the pot instead but that wasn't an option. The doctor explained that there is a pill, made from an extract of marijuana, that when taken will increase your appetite. (That is the last thing I need) We talked Ger into the idea that this is a good pill to take and so now we have a 30 day supply.
Once we got through the insurance company, "will they, won't they" pay for this $300 pill, we got Ger started on this medicine on Thursday evening. I read all the facts but did not share them with H because if he knew it would make him light headed and give him a "feel good" sense of well being he would not take the pill. (He really is a tight ass about some things.) He took a pill around 6:00 and then went to bed at 8:30. I came into the bedroom around 9 and there lay H, eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling. I asked him if he was OK. He told me he was fine. I asked what he was doing and he told me, " I am waiting to see what these pills are going to do. Do you think they are working?" From the size of his pupils I think they had definitely kicked in! I told him they would probably take a few hours to work so he should just go to sleep.
The pills are working too well. I haven't gotten out of the kitchen for more than an hour or two. Unfortunately Mr. Munchie does not cook for himself so he his constantly asking me to make something for him.
Seriously, LIFE IS NOT FAIR !
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