Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Major Big Time disappointed !  I thought I could squeeze in a quick trip to Maryland to see the grand kids for a couple of days . . .  NOT !  What was I thinking?  Silly me thinking I could escape "care giver" mode and switch into Grand ma mode for a short amount of time.

Ger had chemo last week.  His next chemo is on the 18th so I had it all figured out that I could fly up to Maryland on the 12th, bring all the Christmas gifts with me, spend some quality time with Kaelin and Finn and their parents and be home on the Sunday before the next chemo. Trouble is H can't come with me because of all the germs you encounter on planes and in airports and from little children.  I can't go alone because I have to give H his shot every day. H says he could probably give himself the shot
"IF HE HAD TO" (insert very sad face here with very whinny voice.) But when you get right down to it the man can't remember if he got dressed, shaved or peed so how do I expect he would remember to give himself a shot? Never mind the actual logistics of piercing himself with a needle.  The opportunities for disaster are endless so we won't even consider that possibility.

You probably think I make half these things up regarding Ger's inability to manage on his own but anyone who has ever spent time with the man knows I am not kidding.

And so I will have to wait till the end of March to see my little loves. Sad but true! And I am REALLY bummed over it.  I sure could use a Kaelin fix right about now. I'm feeling over whelmed and in need of a break from all this care giving crap.  I guess I will have to settle for a good night's sleep in my comfy bed in Florida where the weather is fantastic and my life is actually blessed. So get over it and count my blessings and be thankful for all I DO have.

Thanks for letting me work this out . . .  it always helps to talk to a friend.

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